IPA Library

Explore the most comprehensive IPA Library for iOS, providing free downloads of IPA files for a wide range of apps, tweaks, and exclusive jailbreak tools. Whether you're looking for popular tweaked apps, classic console emulators, or the latest IPA files not available on the App Store, you’ll find them here.

Latest Updates

Blacklist open revoked apps on stock iOS.
BlizzardBoard TrollStore icon theming engine for iOS.
Posi0nKFD KFD tweaks for A12+.
KFDFontOverwrite font changer based on KFD exploit.
CyPwn Store IPA, DEB, TIPA Library for iOS.
Filza File Manager best file manager for iOS devices.
Channels Pro IPTV player for iPhone, iPad, and Apple TV.
Cowabunga iOS tweaks without jailbreak.
CocoaTop Process Viewer for iOS.


Download IPA files of tweaked apps for iOS.
Watusi 3 for WhatsApp all-in-one tweak for WhatsApp.
iPogo iSpoofer for Pokemon GO.
EeveeSpotify Spotify Premium for free.
SpooferX Pokemon GO Spoofer for iOS.
Regram Instagram Tweak.
YTMusicUltimate YouTube Music Premium for free.
iSpoofer the best spoofer for Pokemon GO.
iToolab AnyGo for iOS GPS location changer for iOS.
Rocket for Instagram all-in-one tweak for Instagram.
BHTwitter tweak for Twitter app.
Spotilife enable Spotify premium features.
BHTikTok tweak for TikTok.
Spotify++ Spotify++ with additional features.
CyPwn Store IPA, DEB, TIPA Library for iOS.
TikTok Unicorn tweak for TikTok app on iOS.
AppStore++ downgrade or upgrade App Store apps.
Cercube for YouTube all-in-one tweak for YouTube.
Twitter Owl a powerful tweak for Twitter.
AppCake 3rd-party App Store.


IPA Library with Jailbreak Tools for iOS devices.
Dopamine Jailbreak for iOS 15 - iOS 16
EverPwnage for iOS 8.0-9.0.2
NathanLR Jailbreak iOS 16.5.1 – 16.6.1 semi-jailbreak.
Meridian Jailbreak for iOS 10 - 10.3.3
Serotonin Jailbreak for iOS 16 - iOS 16.6.1
NekoJB Jailbreak for iOS 15.0 - iOS 15.7.6
Def1nit3lyN0tAJa1lbr3akTool for iOS 15.7 - iOS 16.5
XinaA15 Jailbreak for iOS 15 - iOS 15.1.1
Taurine Jailbreak for iOS 14 - iOS 14.8.1
Fugu15 Max for iOS 15 - iOS 15.4.1
Blizzard Jailbreak for iOS 9 – iOS 9.3.6.
kok3shi Jailbreak for iOS 9.3 - iOS 9.3.6
unc0ver Jailbreak for iOS 11 - iOS 14
p0laris Jailbreak for iOS 9 - iOS 9.3.6
Fugu14 Jailbreak for iOS 14.3 - iOS 14.5.1
EtasonJB Jailbreak for iOS 8.4.1
doubleH3lix Jailbreak for iOS 10 - iOS 10.3.4
sockH3lix Jailbreak for iOS 10 - iOS 10.3.4
Yalu102 Jailbreak for iOS 10 - iOS 10.2
H3lix Jailbreak for iOS 10.0.1 - iOS 10.3.4
Electra Jailbreak for iOS 11 - iOS 11.4.1


IPA files of classic console emulator collection for iPhone and iPad.
Play! PlayStation 2 emulator for iOS.
DolphiniOS GameCube and Wii emulator for iOS.
Delta GBA, GBA, N64, SNES, DS, GEN emulator.
Limón Nintendo 3DS emulator.
Mini vMac for iOS emulate Mac, Mac II, Mac Plus on iOS.
iNDS Nintendo DS emulator for iOS.
ActiveGS Apple 2/2GS emulator for iOS.
GBA4iOS GBA and GBC emulator.


Collection of useful iOS apps released in our IPA Library.
Onion Browser Tor Browser for iOS.
Gopeed (Go Speed) download manager.
UTM for iOS virtualization for iOS.
Nugget Mobile tweaks for iOS 17 and iOS 18.
iTorrent BitTorrent client for iOS.
PureKFD KFD tweak manager for iOS 16.
iGameGod game Cheat Engine for iOS.
Reveil security analysis tool for iOS.
AudioRecorder XS record audio on iPhone.
DVIA test iOS penetration skills.
Picasso KFD tweak manager for iOS 16.
StatusMagic customise status bar on iOS.
Cluckabunga KFD customization tool for iOS 16.2 - iOS 16.5.
Cardinal change Apple Wallet card images.
SimpleKFD KFD tweak set for iOS 15 and iOS 16.
Blacklist open revoked apps on stock iOS.
Posi0nKFD KFD tweaks for A12+.
KFDFontOverwrite font changer based on KFD exploit.
Cowabunga iOS tweaks without jailbreak.
ControlConfig CC modules editor for iOS 15 - iOS 16.
FileSwitcherPro modify .plist on iOS.
WDBFontOverwrite change iOS fonts on unjailbroken devices.
ResSet16 set screen resolution on iOS.
FileSwitcherX replace system sounds on stock iOS.
Detector detect Malware on iOS.
iTransmission download torrent on iOS.


Entertainment apps for iOS that didn't make to the App Store.
Fortnite Fortnite for iOS.
Streamer stream movies and TV shows for free.
Movie Box Pro Stream movies and TV shows on iOS.
InfusePlus enhancer for Infuse app.
BHInstagram tweak for Instagram.
YouTube Plus YouTube tweak for iOS.
Yattee alternative YouTube frontend.
YouTube Reborn YouTube app customizer.
Spotube Spotify free alternative.
uYou best tweak for the YouTube app.
Channels Pro IPTV player for iPhone, iPad, and Apple TV.
Cine Mate watch HD movies and TV shows on iOS.
Popcorn Time iOS watch TV shows and movies for free.
ZiniTevi watch movies and TV Shows on iOS.
StrymTV watch live TV channels on your iPhone.


Best IPA installers to sign and sideload apps on iOS.
LiveContainer run unsigned app without installing.
Feather open-source IPA installer.
GBox on-device IPA signing tool.
SideStore AltStore that doesn't require AltServer.
AltStore install IPA files from Desktop.
AltStore PAL installation guide.
TrollInstallerX universal TrollStore installer.
TrollStore on-device permanent IPA installer.
Bullfrog Assistant on-device IPA installer for iOS 12 - iOS 16.
FlekStore Pro App Store and IPA signing service.
NWZSTool sign IPA on iOS.
Esign IPA signing tool for iOS.
Scarlet install and manage IPA files.
Whitelist un-blacklist enterprise-signed apps.
WDBRemoveThreeAppLimit 3 app limit fix for sideloading.


Download TIPA files for TrollStore to access unique features. Read more.

Editors' Choice

In the past, Cydia Impactor was the go-to tool for installing IPA files on iPhones, but it now requires a paid Apple Developer account. Fortunately, newer solutions have emerged...

IPA Installer10 min read

There are just a few tools allowing you to sign IPA files and install iOS apps directly on your iPhone or iPad. Esign is one of them, providing...

IPA Library8 min read

You can download games and apps on your iPhone without having to go through the App Store by utilizing IPA installer apps. These tools enable...

IPA Installer20 min read

There are a lot of hacks to cheat in games released as modified IPA packages that can be sideloaded on iOS. But what if you had a tool to cheat in all games and modify any values like coins...

Tweaks10 min read