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Tweaks23 Apr

Iris tweak unlocks new features, including hiden messages, in Messages app on iOS 13 – iOS 13.7

In earlier times, a treasure trove of innovative tweaks existed, each offering unique enhancements to the jailbreak experience. Among these gems lies Iris, a tweak developed by the talented Jacob Clayden, designed to elevate the functionality of the...

IPA Files23 Apr


run unsigned app without installing.
LiveContainer image

Enthusiastic iOS users continuously seek opportunities to sideload apps onto their devices from non-Apple-approved sources. This pursuit has led to the creation...

Research22 Apr

TrollStore alternatives for iOS 17

best TrollStore-like apps.
TrollStore alternatives for iOS 17 image

TrollStore is one of the most wanted tools for iOS 17, offering users the ability to install apps and games permanently without any limitations. But here...

IPA Files22 Apr


Package Manager for iOS.
PurePKG image

Several Package Managers are available for iOS, enabling jailbreak users to install tweaks and apps sourced from diverse repositories. Notable among these...

Tweaks21 Apr


faster iOS animation.
Speedster image

To make your iPhone feel more responsive, especially on older devices, you can use a tweak like Speedster developed by Hoangdus. It allows you to speed...

iCloud Bypass21 Apr

HFZ Ramdisk Universal

iCloud Bypass with signal.
HFZ Ramdisk Universal image

Checkm8 exploit serves various functions, including jailbreaking, enabling dual OS, or bypassing the iCloud Activation screen. It achieves this by permitting...

Tweaks20 Apr


animated notifications.
Bloom image

Notifications on iOS devices serve as handy alerts, displaying new messages, app updates, reminders, and more directly on the Lock Screen within Notification...

IPA Files19 Apr


iSpoofer for Pokemon GO.
iPogo image

If you're looking for the best spoofing tool for Pokemon Go on iOS, iPogo is your best bet. It's easy to install — just download the IPA file and use a tool...

IPA Files19 Apr


Pokemon GO Spoofer for iOS.
SpooferX image

Pokemon GO is one of the most popular mobile games in the world. Now, with an app like SpooferX for iOS, caching new Pokemon can be much easier. Add new exciting...

Research19 Apr

Mobile Verification Toolkit

forensic research tool.
Mobile Verification Toolkit image

Mobile Verification Toolkit (MVT) serves as a valuable tool for streamlining the consensual forensic analysis of iOS devices, enabling the identification...

Research18 Apr

AltStore PAL

installation guide.
AltStore PAL image

AltStore PAL is a new marketplace allowed by Apple to install third-party apps bypassing the App Store. This platform is available only in the European Union...

Tweaks18 Apr


iOS customization tweak.
Misaki image

Jailbreaking your device unlocks a realm of customization within the iOS system, allowing you to tailor it to your preferences without constraints. Misaki...

IPA Files17 Apr


GBA, GBA, N64, SNES, DS, GEN emulation for iOS.
Delta image

Modern mobile devices are packed with powerful processors and graphic chips that can easily handle classic video games from popular video...