Status Bar Changer tweak for iOS 14

If you are not happy with the No SIM text displayed on your device you can use a newly released jailbreak tweak like Status Bar Changer to replace the text with a new message, add an emoji, or remove it completely. It replaces every text displayed on the Status Bar.
What is Status Bar Changer?
Status Bar Changer is a free jailbreak tweak that allows you to change the text displays on your Status Bar. The tweak supports iOS 14 and when enabled it allows you to change the No Sim text, Carrier text, Time text, Battery text, Cellular text, and No Service text.
Once installed, the Status Bar Changer tweak adds a new dedicated preference pane to the Settings app from where you can configure all options to your liking. With this tweak, you can change everything written on the status bar such as the service, cellular indicator, time, etc.
Status Bar Changer tweak works with all modern jailbreaks and was developed for iOS 14 devices only. Besides replacing text displayed in your Status Bar you can also place emojis in all supported elements. To apply changes it's required to respring your iDevice.

The latest release of the Status Bar Changer tweak also adds an option to hide some icons displayed in your Status Bar. These include Do Not Disturb Icon, Rotation Lock Icon, Clock Icon, and AirPlane Icon. Whether you’re looking to set a custom carrier text, or make it seem like you have something other than an LTE or 5G connection, this tweak has all your bases covered.
All features provided by the Status Bar Changer tweak work perfectly on iOS 14. No SIM text replacement is also truly supported! The tweak was tested with unc0ver jailbreak but Taurine and checkra1n jailbreak should be also supported.
When you run an older device with iOS 9 – iOS 13 installed, you can install other tweaks to change the carrier name such as Zeppelin, Carrierizer, CarrierModern, or Xeon. To have even more control over your Status Bar I would recommend trying NoClutter or MiniXS tweak.
If you're looking for customization options for your iOS status bar without jailbreak, try StatusMagic. This app supports iOS 14 to 16.1.2 and allows you to modify the carrier text, clock text, and breadcrumb text. Additionally, it gives you the ability to hide any icons in the status bar.
How to install Status Bar Changer for iOS 14
Status Bar Changer was released as a free DEB package through the legendary BigBoss Repository. Add the official Status Bar Changer Repo to your Cydia Sources and install the best tools to change the text on your jailbroken iOS 14 device.
To install Status Bar Changer tweak on your jailbroken iOS device, follow these steps:
- Open the Cydia app from the Home Screen.
- Tap on the Sources tab, then select Edit.
- Add the following repository URL:
- Cydia will automatically refresh packages available in the new repo.
- Search for status Bar Changer tweak and install the package.
- Restart the Springboard to complete the installation.
- Access Status Bar Changer tweaks preferences from the Settings app.
Alternatively, please use the quick links available at the top of this page to add the repository to your favorite package manager (Cydia, Sileo, Installer, Zebra) with just one tap.
What's new
- Fixed an issue with carrier text replacement.
- Fixed Recording and Voice memo label being incorrect.
- Added option to change "Recording" text.
- Added option to hide airplay icon.
- Added changelog button.
- Now with the option to change "iPod" text.
- Added option to change "Searching" text.
- Option to hide the headphone icon.
- Small bug fixing.
- Remove the airplane icon.
- Change the "No Service" text.
- Change the "No SIM" text.
- Option to remove dnd icon.
- Option to remove the rotation lock icon.
- Option to remove the alarm icon.
- Major bug fixing and code cleanup.