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sockH3lix Jailbreak for iOS 10

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If you use H3lix the iOS 10 jailbreak you definitely should give a try sockH3lix Jailbreak. It's absolutely better than doubleH3lix with a near 100% success rate, no hangs after respring, and fast jailbreak execution thanks to the port of sock_port exploit.

Download sockH3lix IPA

What is sockH3lix Jailbreak?

sockH3lix is a jailbreak app for iOS 10 forked from doubleH3lix project. This jailbreak replaces the exploit from v0rtex to the sock port on the 32-bit platform and implements a 32bit patchfinder (for iPhone5,2 iOS 10.3.4). This means sockH3lix can now jailbreak iPhone 5.

The sock port exploit comes with a higher success rate and shorter jailbreak time. sockH3lix Jailbreak for iOS 10 should be the best variant of H3lix jailbreak. It implements a 32bit patchfinder that is compatible with iPhone 5 running on iOS 10.3.4.

sockH3lix jailbreak your device (iOS 10 up to iOS 10.3.4) and installs the Cydia app, allowing you to access tweaks and apps from popular repositories. This jailbreak tool is compatible with doubleH3lix, which means you can switch between the jailbreak at any time.

Screenshot of iPhone with installed sockH3lix jailbreak on the Home Screen.

This amazing jailbreak improves overall the jailbreak speed and stability. sockH3lix jailbreak modifications include merging kernel read/write request, implementation of the sock port exploit on 32bit platform, call uicache for sandbox escaping, and enabling hgsp4 for root process.

To reduce jailbreak cost, it adds a kernel memory management for remapping pages and page table entries to reduce kernel memory usage. It chooses the right size of the fake IOTrap while initializing kexec, use numerous Mach primitives and other syscalls to increase stability.

The latest version of sockH3lix 1.4 was released on 31 Dec 2020. sockH3lix Jailbreak was published by SXXSongXiaoXi as an open-source project, with source code available through GitHub Repository. The last modifications to the source code were added in 2020.

This jailbreak for iOS 10 was written in 55.7% in C language and 28.5% using C++. Objective-C and Objective-C++ are also used for some exploits. To compile the source code, it's required to use standard libraries for Xcode. A macOS computer is needed.

How to install sockH3lix

Sideloadly app allows you to install IPA files, also through Wi-Fi. No matter if you downloaded the macOS or Windows version, the workflow is the same. To download sockH3lix and install the jailbreak on your iPhone, it's required to use a computer to sign and install the IPA file.

Screenshot of Sideloadly installing sockH3lix Jailbreak IPA on iOS 10.

Step 1. Navigate to the top of this page.

Step 2. Tap on Install via Sideloadly and tap Allow.

Step 3. Sideloadly will automatically download H3lix IPA.

Step 4. Enter your Apple ID to sign the IPA file.

Step 5. Click the Start button to install the IPA file on your device.

Step 6. Provide the password for your Apple ID.

Tip: After the IPA file is verified and installed on your iPhone or iPad, it's required to trust your developer account certificate connected with your Apple ID.

Step 7. Open Settings app from the home screen.

Step 8. Navigate to General → Profiles & Device Management.

Step 9. Click on the developer app with your e-mail.

Step 10. Tap on Trust to allow the application to run.

Add sockH3lix profile to iOS

Jailbreak iOS 10.3.4 on iPhone 5

To jailbreak iPhone 5 on iOS 10.3.4 using sockH3lix app is very simple. After you sideload the IPA file with your preferred tool (AltStore, Sideloadly, Bullfrog Assistant, Esign), there are just a few steps more to jailbreak the device and installing Cydia app.

  1. Open sockH3lix app from the Home Screen.
  2. Tap on “Jailbreak” button on the main screen.
  3. Wait for the jailbreak to proceed and respring your device.
  4. Open the Cydia app from the Home Screen and add new repos.

Info: Whenever you reboot, the jailbreak will be disabled. Open the app again and tap on “Jailbreak”. If the app expires, install it again with the preferred method.

What's new

  • Updated sockH3lix to version 1.4.
  • Merge kernel read/write request to reduce syscall count.
  • Add sxx's sandbox escape method for calling uicache.
  • Add a kernel memory management to reduce kernel memory usage after jailbreak.
  • Choose a right size of the fake IOTrap while initializing kexec.
  • Increased stability of iOS 10 jailbreak.
  • Improved kpp patch to work.
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Written by

Kuba has over 20 years of experience in journalism, focusing on jailbreak since 2012. He has interviewed professionals from various companies. Besides journalism, Kuba specializes in video editing and drone flying. He studied IT at university before his writing career.

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