Saily is a modern and fast Package Manager for iOS 13 – iOS 16

Cydia is the most popular package manager for jailbroken devices, but it doesn't mean that it's the best one. Saily is a new APT for iOS and iPadOS that offers similar features packed in a fast and modern app. This is a great Cydia replacement for your iPhone and can be still used as the default package manager for some older jailbreaks.
Saily Repository
Saily is still available for download from the official repository. It offers access to the latest version of the package manager for jailbreak. However, this repository has been archived by the owner on Mar 10, 2023. However, in August 2024 a new beta version dropped with support for Dopamine and rootless jailbreaks.
What is Saily?
Saily is an open-source package manager that is an excellent alternative for abandoned Cydia. It doesn't offer as many features available in Zebra or Installer, but to be honest, it doesn't need them. Saily is simple, and it's a perfect tool to manage your repositories and installed packages.
As a modern package manager, Saily includes support for all jailbreaks running iOS 13 and newer. It can import all sources from Cydia, Sileo, Zebra, and Installer saving time when switching to the new package manager. What's more, it can work alongside other APT.
Saily comes with a secure payment system to support paid packages. Using this package manager, you can buy tweaks from the best Cydia repositories. There is also an option to enable the ability to randomize device information for free packages making your device anonymous.

As mentioned already, Saily was designed with simplicity in mind. The main page displays a list of featured packages from repos, recent installs, and recent updates. From here you can also access the settings page by tapping on the cog-gear-widget icon in the right top corner.
Saily is packed with some basic configuration options. You can randomize device info, change user agent name, add accounts for stores, set network timeout, disable history, manage blocked updates for packages, reload Home Screen, or enter safe mode.
On the repository page, you can quickly add multiple sources, remove broken repositories with the clean button, or copy the list of sources to the clipboard. Saily automatically refreshes repos in the background and allows managing of all repositories without limitation.
Installed packages are displayed on a simple list sorted by date. You can filter packages by name or last modified. There is also a search engine to quickly find tweaks and packages. Search in your favorite collections. Search for repositories and packages by URL or description.
Additionally, Saily Package Manager is equipped with Version Control. Once a package is installed, you can view from the tweak page all available versions of the package through installed repositories. There is also an option to block updates for the selected package.

Recently, the developer released Saily Beta with support for rootless XinaA15 Jailbreak for iOS 15.0 – iOS 15.1.1 on A12-A15 devices. This version not only allows you to download and install DEB packages on XinaA15, but also works with Cydia tweak stores such as Havoc Repo.
What's new
- Dopamine jailbreak and rootless environment support.
- Added support for rootless jailbreaks like XinaA15 for iOS 15.
- Fixed missing package inspector.
- Fixed rarely document dir permission issue.
- Fixed crash on iOS 16.
- Attempt to fix crashes by CoreImage and Share Sheet.
- iOS 15 SDK Updates.
- Generic Upgrade.
- Install package payload without .deb path extension is now supported.
- URL Scheme may be broken when opening from Safari.
- Reliability Improvements.
- Preferred Depiction Setting Option.
Sileo is the default manager installed with XinaA15 Jailbreak on iOS 15. It can install packages and view repositories, but logging into repos is currently broken on Sileo and Zebra. This is not an issue on the tweak stores end. Saily fixes this issue and can install your purchased tweaks.
What's more, the developer included some useful features for XinaA15 Jailbreak allowing you to Dry Run or Execute DEB installation, and Reload Icon Cache or Reload Home Screen after installing tweaks and apps. Saily app should work with any rootless jailbreak released for iOS 15.

Saily is a smart Cydia alternative that I would recommend using for everyone who loves minimalism. The app is blazing fast and will not confuse new users with overwhelming features. It's the perfect balance between Cydia and a modern package manager for iOS.
Saily is a fully open-sourced project released under MIT License. The source code of this modern package manager was published through GitHub Repository. The app was written using languages: 44.0% in Swift, 35.6% in Objective-C, and 16.6% in C.
For debugging with Xcode, there is nothing to set up, open the workspace and click run. Certifications and bundle identity are required to be changed for real device debugging. The code is not longer under active development, with changes committed in Dec 2022.
How to install Saily from repository
To install Saily on your iPhone or iPad it's required to add the official Repository to Cydia Sources. Add the Saily Repo and install the package manager on your device. For the beta release of Saily Package Manager use this repository. Discover new features.
- Open the Sources tab in the Cydia app.
- Tap on Edit → Add buttons and enter the Repo URL.
- Search for Saily and installed the package from the new repo.
- Respiring your iPhone to apply changes.
- The Saily app icon will be added to the Home Screen.
Alternatively, please use the quick links available at the top of this page to add the repository to your favorite package manager (Cydia, Sileo, Installer, Zebra) with just one tap.
How to install Saily for XinaA15
Saily for XinaA15 was released as an IPA package that can be installed only with TrollStore on compatible iOS 15 – iOS 15.1.1 devices. You can't install this iOS 15 package manager with regular sideloading apps because root access is required to run the app.
TIP: If you have issues with Saily Package Manager remove the previous version installed with TrollStore and make a clean install. This will fix crashing the app when opening.
- Install TrollStore on firmware between iOS 15 up to iOS 15.1.1.
- Download SailyRC8 IPA and save it on iCloud.
- Share the downloaded IPA file with the TrollStore app.
- TrollStore will install Saily automatically when loaded.
- Access the Saily Rootless Release from the Home Screen.