Download Onion Browser
Finalize the Onion Browser setup effortlessly by initiating the file download. To finish the download process, simply click on one of the links provided below. You may find multiple options available. Once the download is finished, continue with the installation process. Remember to select the appropriate version for your operating system, whether it's for iOS, Windows, Linux, or macOS.
Release notes
Version 3.1.4
- Updated Tor to latest version
- Always use https on clearnet addresses, when the user didn't enter a URL scheme.
Version 3.1.3
- Updated Tor to latest version
- Added support for mixed custom bridges: You can now mix meek, obfs4 and the new WebTunnel bridge type in your custom bridge list.
- Fixed an issue with the bottom toolbar hiding and showing.
- Minor updates to translations.
Version 3.1.2
- Updated built-in Snowflake to the latest version 2.9.2.
- Added Indonesian translation.