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vnodebypass jailbreak detection bypass for iOS

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How many apps did not run on your iPhone because you decided to jailbreak the iOS system? vnodebypass is a free tweak to bypass jailbreak detection allowing to run banking and other apps not opening on jailbroken devices. Recently, vnodebypass was updated to support rootless jailbreaks on iOS 15 such as Dopamine and Palera1n. There is also a dedicated version for Dopamine 2.0 running on iOS 16.

vnodebypass Repository

vnodebypass tweak (rootless) was released as a DEB package, which can be downloaded from the alias20 Repo. To quickly access the jailbreak detection bypass for iOS, you can add the unofficial vnodebypass repo to a package manager and install the free tweak on iOS 15 – iOS 16.

What is vnodebypass?

vnodebypass tweak is an effective tool designed to bypass jailbreak detection on iOS 12, iOS 14.2, and now also iOS 15 – iOS 16. It was primarily developed to work seamlessly with the unc0ver, allowing users to conceal jailbreak-related files and evade detection. It's a great solution to hide detecting a jailbroken environment from apps.

Additionally, the latest release introduces compatibility with rootless jailbreaks while discontinuing support for rootful environments.

Vnode tweak utilizes the hidePath functionality of jelbrekLib, along with maphys (0x7ff) discovered by akusio. Once installed, this bypass can be accessed conveniently from the Home Screen icon. The tweak offers a systemwide enable/disable option, providing seamless integration. It is fully compatible with the latest iOS 14, ensuring optimal performance and compatibility. vnodebypass rootless offers the same features on iOS 15.

After installation, the tweak requires no further configuration. However, if you encounter any issues with other jailbreak apps not functioning after disabling the tweak, it is recommended to perform a respring or re-jailbreak on your iPhone. It's important to note that vnodebypass is compatible not only with unc0ver but also with the Taurine. The latest versions of the tweak exclusively support rootless environments, including Dopamine, XinaA15, and Palera1n.

Two iPhone screens showing the vnodebypass tweak running on iOS 15.

vnodebypass tweak is the only jailbreak detection bypass tool that allows jailbreak users to run the iPogo Pokémon GO app. When the stock tweak will not work for you, there is a modified vnodebypass version with Pokémon Go Launcher available through the official iPogo Repo.

I would recommend you try other tweaks to hide jailbreak detection from apps when this one will not work on your iPhone or iPad. KernBypass is the only jailbreak detection bypass working on the kernel level. Another popular tweak to bypass jailbreak detection is the A-Bypass tweak.

ichitaso forked the vnodebypass project from XsF1re. Be aware, that this is an experimental tool to hide jailbreak files to bypass detection. All tweaks don't come with any guarantee to work. To be sure you must test if any mentioned tweak will work for you.

vnodebypass tweak by ichitaso is an open-source dynamic library for iOS 12, iOS 13, and iOS 14 released by the developer through GitHub Repository. You can build the project from source code on any platform using theos, the cross-platform build system for creating iOS apps.

However, for those interested in exploring the inner workings of the VnodeBypass tweak, the rootless source code developed by XsF1re is readily accessible through the GitLab Repository. This repository contains the latest version of the jailbreak detection bypass for iOS 15.

Command Line

vnodebypass can also be executed from the terminal directly on your device or through an SSH connection. Hide jailbreak files using VNODE that provides an internal representation of a file or directory or defines an interface to a file with a command line.

onejailbreak-iPhone:~ mobile$ vnodebypass [OPTION]...

-s,  --save      Get vnode with file index and save path to /tmp/vnodeMem.txt.
-h,  --hide      Hide jailbreak files.
-r,  --revert    Revert jailbreak files.
-R,  --recovery  To prevent kernel panic.
-c,  --check     Check if the jailbreak file exists using SVC #0x80 SYS_access.

How to add the repository

vnodebypass tweak was released for free through the private ichitaso Repository and was originally forked from plus007/vnodebypass. Add the official vnodebypass Repo to your list of Cydia Sources and install the jailbreak detection bypass tweak for iOS 12 up to iOS 14. However, vnodebypass rootless by XsF1re for iOS 15 – iOS 16 is available through alias20 Repo.

To install vnodebypass on iOS 12 – iOS 16, follow the steps:

  1. Open the Sileo app from the Home Screen.
  2. Tap on the Sources tab, then select Edit button.
  3. Add the following repository URL:
  4. Search for vnodebypass package and install the tweak.
  5. Restart the Springboard to save all changes.
  6. Access vnodebypass app from the Home Screen.

If you are using an older version of VnodeBypass (0.2.9) with the unc0ver jailbreak on iOS 14, it is necessary to install the libkrw library (Kernel read/write API) from the repository. However, if you are utilizing the Taurine jailbreak on iOS 14, you should install the libkernrw0 library (Kernel R/W API for iOS 14+) from the repository.

Starting from version 0.3, VnodeBypass no longer offers support for iOS 12, iOS 13, and iOS 14. Instead, it focuses exclusively on providing compatibility with iOS 15 rootless jailbreaks. This includes popular jailbreak options such as palera1n, Dopamine, Fugu15 Max, and XinaA15.


VnodeBypass CC module is a great add-on to the tweak that installs quick access to enable/disable the jailbreak detection bypass from Control Centre. It works only with non-rootless jailbreaks.

This free module is available through private level3tjg's repository via Add this source to your favorite package manager and install the module to access quickly this new feature from the Control Centre Settings panel.

Two iPhone screens showing the vnodebypass cc module on iOS 14 Control Centre.

ichitaso offers in his repository also a PowerSelector​​​​​​​ tweak that works with iOS 11 — iOS 14. It allows for quick access to useful features including Power off, Reboot, ldrestart, safe mode, Respring, uicache, etc. PowerSelector can also manage the vnodebypass jailbreak bypass.

What's new

  • Updated vnodebypass to version 0.3.1.
  • Add bunch of files to hidePathList.plist.
  • Add CC Modules for quick access.
  • Added support for iOS 15 rootless jailbreaks.
  • Drop support for iOS 12.
  • Drop support for iOS 13.
  • Drop support for iOS 14.
  • Drop support for rootful environment.
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Written by

Kuba has over 20 years of experience in journalism, focusing on jailbreak since 2012. He has interviewed professionals from various companies. Besides journalism, Kuba specializes in video editing and drone flying. He studied IT at university before his writing career.

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