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The Today View on iOS displays widgets with current information from your favorite apps at a glance - today’s headlines, weather, calendar events, and battery levels, but on jailbreaks you can do even more. Konban tweak replaces Today page with an app.

Add Konban Repo to your package manager.

What is Konban?

Konban is a free jailbreak tweak, originally developed by Nepeta for iOS 12, that replaces the "Today" view with an app of your choice. Because the tweak was open-sourced nicho1asdev updated it to work on iOS 13 and iOS 14. Run your favorite apps at a glance.

Once installed, Konban tweak adds a dedicated preference pane to the Settings app from where you can configure all available options. Toggle the tweak on or off on demand, hide the status bar, select any app you want from settings, and set the app windows scale and corner radius.

To view the app in Today View, simply swipe right from the left edge of the Home Screen or the Lock Screen. Konban will load the app for quick access. The tweak recognizes not only system applications but also sideloaded by the users. To apply all changes respring is required.

Konban tweak screenshot

As mentioned already, the Konban tweak allows you to customize the look of the app window displayed in the Today View on your device. You can change how big the app window is (default 80% of the screen) and set the corner radius for a better look.

The latest version of Konban depends on mobilesubstrate and will work on the latest version of unc0ver or checkra1n jailbreaks. Substrate is the powerful code modification platform behind Cydia allowing developers to create tweaks. The tweak was updated on 18 Mar 2022 to v3.0.1.

Replace Today View with an app of your choice. Access at glace the calculator app to perform quick calculations on the fly, Cydia package manager to install new tweaks or view the shopping list with one gesture. The tweak makes the Today View significantly more useful.

Konban tweak settings screenshot

On top of that Konban can open an app not only from the Home Screen, but it works also from the Lock Screen / Notification Center on iOS 14. How cool is that!


Konban tweak can be installed through the private nicho1asdev Repository. Add Konban Repo to your list of Cydia Repos and replaces the Today page with your favorite app on iOS 13 / iOS 14.

  1. Open the Cydia app from your home screen.
  2. Tap Sources → Edit → Add the Repo URL.
  3. Cydia will automatically refresh packages available in the repository.
  4. Search for Konban package and install the tweak.
  5. Restart the Springboard to save changes.
  6. Configure the tweak from the preference pane in the Settings app.

Alternatively, please use the quick links available at the top of this page to add the repository to your favorite package manager (Cydia, Sileo, Installer, Zebra) with just one tap.

Source Code

Konban tweak was released as an open-source project with code published by the developer through GitHub Repository. The developer encourages others to commit changes to develop the tweak. The source code was released under the MIT license.

To compile the project by yourself it's required to install the latest theos libraries. This is a cross-platform build system for creating iOS, macOS, Linux, and Windows programs. The tweak was written 62.8% in Objective-C and 34.4% in Logos language.

What's new

  • Added support for iOS 14.
  • Invisible keyboard bug fixed.
  • Initial release.
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Written by

Kuba has over 20 years of experience in journalism, focusing on jailbreak since 2012. He has interviewed professionals from various companies. Besides journalism, Kuba specializes in video editing and drone flying. He studied IT at university before his writing career.

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