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Julio Verne is one of the most known crackers of iOS apps and tweaks. He is also the developer behind CyDown, a jailbreak tweak that allows users to automatically share their packages with other users using CyDown through Cydia, Installer, or Zebra.

Add CyDown Repo to your package manager.

What is CyDown?

CyDown is a free jailbreak tweak that tweaks popular package managers like Cydia, Zebra, and AppTapp Installer. It offers a lot of features but the most important one is the option to automatically share and download paid tweaks (deb packages) between users for free.

The main purpose of this tweak is to download paid Cydia tweaks for free by sharing them with other users. CyDown integrates with Cydia, Installer, and Zebra allowing you to automatically share your own and download packages from other users rather than official Cydia Repositories.

CyDown tweak is compatible with all jailbreaks running iOS 6 up to iOS 14. Once installed, a new dedicated preference pane is added to the Settings app from where you can configure all options. Additionally, the tweak adds an icon to the Home Screen for quick access.

Two iPhone screens showing the CyDown tweak preference page on iOS 14.

At first, the tweak was created as an awesome download manager for Cydia. With time, the developer behind CrackTool4 and Spotilife added support for more package managers and additional features. Each package manager has its own features in the proper tab.

With CyDown, you can tweak Cydia by removing ads, enabling landscape orientation mode, hiding ignored updates, turning on pull to refresh, canceling quote when empty, adding more filters for Installed tab, changing language, or setting the timeout to speed up the app.

There are also options to change the App icon, set the default opened tab, translate package description, show developers packages, display + Sources (access community Cydia Repos installed by other users), fast restart springboard, count source packages, and more.

Two iPhone screens showing the CyDown tweak settings pages for Zerba and Cydia app.

CyDown tweak for iOS 14 can also fake your UDID, device name, and installed iOS version for downloaded packages. It can download packages in the background, check for packages in the community CyDown repo, cache packages, and downgrade any package cached by CyDown.

Moreover, CyDown integrates with supported packages managers allowing you to manage all downloaded deb files, download packages from a given URL, enable Wi-Fi sharing through a browser, backup and restore all installed packages, browse the root file system, upload files to SendSpace or Dropbox, empty temp download folder, and clear source cache.

CyDown tweak is a social sharing platform for packages, not only the free ones but also the paid ones. The tweak is still under active development and it works in 2022, also on iOS 14.

Two iPhone screens showing the CyDown opened in Zebra app and CyDown Utilities.

CyDown doesn't support Sileo or Saily, but fortunately, there is another tweak offering an option to download tweaks for free from mentioned package manager. Erika tweak (from CyDown++ dev) supports iOS 13 up to iOS 14 and integrates into Sileo, Saily, Installer 5, and Zebra.

CyDown Repository

CyDown Repo contains the latest version of the popular tweak to download paid jailbreak apps and tweaks for free. To install CyDown tweak on your iPhone it's required to add the official julio Repository to Cydia Sources. Install the download manager on your device now.

  1. Open the Cydia app and tap on the Sources tab.
  2. Tap on Edit → Add buttons and enter Repo URL.
  3. Install the CyDown package from the newly added repository.
  4. To save changes respiring your iPhone.
  5. Configure the tweak from the Home Screen.

Alternatively, please use the quick links available at the top of this page to add the repository to your favorite package manager (Cydia, Sileo, Installer, Zebra) with just one tap.


CyDown++ is a modified version of Julioverne's CyDown tweak. It patches a bug that allows some repositories to block downloads of a cracked version of tweaks and apps. CyDown++ was created by @Paisseon as an open-source project and can be installed through Paisseon's Repo.

CyDown Plus Plus works as a separate tweak and it requires uninstalling the original CyDown app from your device. The latest release of CyDown++ 7.1.6 was published on 05 Dec 2021. Only the modifications to the CyDown tweak were released as open-source via GitHub.

Two I\phone screens showing the CyDown++ tweak preferences and CyDown++ Repo.

What's new

  • Fix Cydia startup crash in recent iOS version.
  • Add master repo List.
  • Fix colors in Dark mode.
  • Bugs fixes.
  • Option for auto-refresh sources in Zebra.
  • Initial Zebra Package Manager support.
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Written by

Kuba has over 20 years of experience in journalism, focusing on jailbreak since 2012. He has interviewed professionals from various companies. Besides journalism, Kuba specializes in video editing and drone flying. He studied IT at university before his writing career.


  • CyFan

    CyFan 3 years ago

    Why is there a message "cydown unsupported URL" when I try to download a tweak?

    • qbap

      qbap 3 years ago

      CyDown unsupported URL is displayed when there is no tweak available in the shared library, or when a repository is blocking CyDown. Try to install CyDown++ tweak, otherwise, there is no solution.

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