Research Updated Oct 12, 2023

How to decrypt IPA: A Guide

How to decrypt IPA

IPA files downloaded from the App Store are typically encrypted, preventing users from modifying them to remove ads or customize features. However, for jailbreak users, there exists a tool that can decrypt IPA files, enabling them to make modifications and share these modified apps within the community. This tool opens up opportunities for users to personalize their apps and contribute to a collaborative mobile experience.

An IPA file is a file format employed by Apple for distributing applications on iOS devices, such as iPhones. It encompasses the application's binary code, essential metadata, and various files required for the application to operate on an iOS device. To enhance an IPA file's functionality, it's possible to incorporate a jailbreak tweak by injecting a compatible dylib package into it.

There are several tools available for decrypting IPA files, notable among them are BFdecrypt, DumpDecrypter, CrackerXI, and AppIndex. However, I'm excited to introduce you to iGDecrypt, developed by the iGameGod team. This tool stands out as it supports all iOS versions and has been recently updated to be compatible with rootless jailbreaks like Palera1n and Dopamine.

On GitHub, you can discover various console scripts and tools designed for decrypting IPA files. It's important to note that all these tools necessitate a jailbroken device for operation. The decryption process occurs when you launch the respective app on your device.

Info: Decrypted IPA file containing decrypted binaries can be modified and re-signed with a developer cert for redeployment to non-jailbroken devices.

Decrypt IPA with iGDecrypt

Decrypting IPA files using a tool like iGDecrypt is a simple process. After installing the application on your device, you can effortlessly decrypt any app that's installed on your iPhone and save it as a decrypted IPA file. iGDecrypt is based on the BFdecrypt script that creates a valid IPA containing the decrypted binaries. iOS 11 and newer are supported.

Step 1. To decrypt IPA, first install the app you wish to decrypt from the App Store.

Download app from App Store.

Step 2. Install on your jailbroken device iGameGod application.

Step 3. Next, open the iGameGod app from your Home Screen.

iGameGod app on Home Screen.

Step 4. Navigate to the Tools section where you can find iGDecrypt.

IPA Decrypt tool for iOS.

Step 5. Choose the apps you want to decrypt from the provided list.

iGDecryp App List screenshot.

Step 6. Tap on the "Play" icon to reveal the "Decrypt & IPA - bfdecrypt".

Decrypt IPA settings.

Step 7. Tap on Decrypt & IPA to start the decrypting process.

Decrypting IPA.

Step 8. Once you see the "Description completed" message you're done.

Decryption succeeded message.

Step 9. The decrypted IPA files will be placed into the Documents folder.


In conclusion, decrypting IPA files on a jailbroken device can appear daunting, but thanks to user-friendly tools like iGDecrypt, the process becomes remarkably straightforward. As illustrated in this guide, decrypting apps and saving them as decrypted IPA files is entirely feasible. While other tools mentioned in the article offer similar functionalities, it's worth noting that some of them might have restrictions based on specific iOS releases.

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