Speedster tweaks speed of iOS animations

To make your iPhone feel more responsive, especially on older devices, you can use a tweak like Speedster developed by Hoangdus. It allows you to speed up the system by altering the animation duration in apps, adjusting how fast the screen turns on and off, and more. It was released as a free package with support for rootless jailbreaks running iOS 15 and iOS 16. You can download the DEB package from GitHub or through Havoc.
Speedster tweak was released as a free package, which can be downloaded from Hoangdus's Repo. To access the tweak and speed up animation on your iPhone, you can add the Speedster Repo to your package manager and install the tweak for iOS 13 – iOS 16.7.7.
Speedster is a new jailbreak tweak with an old idea to enhance the user experience by speeding up App Opening, Folder Opening, App Switching, and the rest of SpringBoard. It's a great alternative for FastAnim or AnimationsBeFast, but with support for rootless jailbreaks such as Dopamine and Palera1n. Version 2.0 brings options to customize animation speed.
After installation is completed, Speedster adds a dedicated preference to the settings app from where you can configure all options to your liking. From here you can not only speed up apps open and close animations but also add bounce to app open, close, and switcher animation. There is also an option to adjust how fast the screen turns on and off.
Furthermore, the settings pane offers some extra features where you can disable icons flying in when unlocking, disable icons jitter when editing, and disable icons and wallpaper zoom out when entering App Switcher. Speedster tweak for iOS 13 – iOS 16 can also disable app icon zoom effects in the App Switcher and wallpaper zoom effects in the App Switcher

Alternatively, you can try other jailbreak tweaks to speed up animations on iOS. There is FastAnim tweak for rootful jailbreaks available through BigBoss Repository, or AnimationsBeFast and AnimPlus released through Havoc Store. Speedster is the only solution with rootless environment support. What's more, its source code is available on the developer's GitHub.
What's new
- Fixed not loading setting file properly.
- Fixed respring button in setting not working properly.
- Add support for speeding up folder animation.
- Improve compatibility for speeding up in-app animation.
- Remove unnecessary options.
- Rework setting panel.
- Fix compatibility for A12+ devices running iOS 13.
- Fix a bug where instant folder affects CC animation.
How to install Speedster tweak on iOS
Speedster was released through the Havoc Repository. To install the amazing tweak on your iPhone running iOS 13 to iOS 16, simply add the Speedster Repository to your package manager. Speedster was also released as a DEB packages through GitHub.
To install Speedster on your jailbroken iOS device, follow the steps:
- Open the Sileo app from the Home Screen.
- Tap on the Sources tab, then select Edit.
- Add the following repository URL:
- Install the Speedster package from the new repository.
- To apply all changes, respiring your iPhone.
- Once installed, the tweak can configure Speedster from the Settings app.