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FrontBoard App Launcher implements multitasking on iOS

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Duy Tran Khanh has released a new open-source project, FrontBoardAppLauncher, which demonstrates how multitasking features can be enabled on all TrollStore devices running iOS 15, 16, and 17. Essentially, it proves that it's possible to run iOS apps in a windowed environment on SpringBoard.

This is another project by Duy Tran Khanh that serves as a valuable resource for developers looking to display external app scenes or create their own implementations of multitasking possibilities on iOS devices.

FrontBoard App Launcher showcases how to use the private FrontBoard and UIKit APIs to display external app scenes. While it’s just a demo app for TrollStore, it implements multitasking features similar to popular jailbreak tweaks like MilkyWay or Zetsu. Both can run multiple applications at once on your Home Screen.

Duy Tran Khanh has released a demo application that launches the TrollStore, Tips, Mobile Safari, and Settings app within the FrontBoardAppLauncher app. There are no configuration options available. While it may not sound thrilling at first, this method opens up the possibility of running apps on the SpringBoard.

FrontBoard App Launcher Demo on iOS 17.0.

FrontBoardAppLauncher has been released as an open-source project under the Apache-2.0 license. The source code is available in the GitHub repository. Currently, iOS 14 is not supported due to issues with FrontBoard, so compatibility is provided for iOS 15 to iOS 17.0. Support for iOS 14 may be provided in the future.

The developer also mentioned some unresolved issues, such as the in-app keyboard offset being incorrect and single-scene apps not functioning properly yet. This can be fixed in the next updates.

I'm really excited to see straight-tamago experimenting with this new discovery. She has already managed to implement multitasking capabilities into UiharuX for TrollStore. This project already features App Launcher, EdgeLight, Fake Dynamic Island, ShortcutsMenu, SnowFall, and MultiTask.

If you are interested in testing the FrontBoard App Launcher demo here is an TIPA available for download. FrontBoardAppLauncher must be installed with TrollStore on iOS 15 and newer.

UiHaruX running an Safari app on the Home Screen.

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Kuba has over 20 years of experience in journalism, focusing on jailbreak since 2012. He has interviewed professionals from various companies. Besides journalism, Kuba specializes in video editing and drone flying. He studied IT at university before his writing career.

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