Updated Apr 05, 2024

Download Blizzard Jailbreak

Finalize the setup of Blizzard Jailbreak by downloading the IPA file. Simply click the link provided below to begin the download process. Alternatively, you can use the Direct Install links to seamlessly send the IPA file to your preferred signing appliaction for iOS, including TrollStore, Sideloadly, AltStore, Scarlet, and ReProvision. Alternatively you can also use Bullfrog Assistant, Esign, or Gbox.

How to install Blizzard Jailbreak IPA with TrollStore

Blizzard Jailbreak can only be installed on your device through the TrollStore or TrollStore 2 IPA installers. When using other tools like Sideloadly, AltStore, and Esign the app may not allow you to access all available features. Download Blizzard Jailbreak IPA and follow the next steps.

Step 1. Install TrollStore on iOS following how to install TrollStore 2 guide.

Step 2. Download Blizzard Jailbreak IPA from the link at the top of this page.

Step 3. Open TrollStore 2 from your Home Screen.

Step 4. Import Blizzard Jailbreak IPA to TrollStore 2.

Step 5. Proceed with the installation process.

Step 6. Open the Settings app and enter the Privacy & Security.

Step 7. In the Security section follow Developer Mode.

Step 8. Enable Developer Mode and restart your device.

Step 9. Connect your iPhone to a PC or Mac and Turn On Developer Mode.

Step 10. Open Blizzard Jailbreak from the Home Screen.

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