TrollStore Apps

TrollStore is an IPA installer for both standard iOS apps and unique TrollStore Apps that offer exceptional features without a jailbreak environment. Explore our carefully selected collection of TIPA files from a variety of places, the TrollStore app list.

KFDmineek image
TrollStore Apps4 min read

KFDmineek, developed by mineekdev, represents a cutting-edge utility tailored for iOS devices. This innovative tool empowers users to effortlessly integrate jailbreak tweaks into SpringBoard, offering a seamless experience. Now, you can deploy a diverse range of tweaks...

Jan 07, 2024
YTPatch image
TrollStore Apps3 min read

YTPatch, by Nathan, is a user-friendly tweak for the stock YouTube application, enabling users to effortlessly disable advertisements without the need for a jailbreak or manual patching of the IPA prior to sideloading. The sole prerequisite is to possess a TrollStore-compatible...

Jan 05, 2024
CarMovie image
TrollStore Apps4 min read

CarMovie, crafted by Dcsyhi, introduces a cutting-edge application designed for CaPlay-enabled vehicles, providing users with the capability to enjoy their favorite movies seamlessly during both driving and stationary moments. This innovative app is compatible with iOS...

Dec 26, 2023
CallAssist image
TrollStore Apps4 min read

CallAssist, is an innovative Phone app enhancement tweak crafted by xybp888, specifically designed for TrollStore compatible devices. Remarkably, this tool operates seamlessly without the need for a jailbreak. Leveraging tweak injection, CallAssist effortlessly integrates...

Dec 14, 2023
TrollDecrypt image
TrollStore Apps4 min read

TrollDecrypt, an evolution of TrollDecryptor, is a project that brings a contemporary interface and user-friendly features to the realm of iOS app decryption. This IPA Decrypter for...

Dec 04, 2023
DowngradeApp image
TrollStore Apps4 min read

Netskao recently launched DowngradeApp, an application designed for use with TrollStore 2. This innovative tool empowers users to effortlessly retrieve and install any earlier version...

Dec 03, 2023
StatusMagic image
TrollStore Apps5 min read

More and more developers are using the MacDirtyCow exploit to push the limits of their creativity and develop innovative apps that require jailbreaking. One notable tool that showcases...

Dec 02, 2023
AirWall image
TrollStore Apps3 min read

Dcsyhi has unveiled AirWall 1.5 for TrollStore, now equipped with compatibility for iOS 15 and iOS 16. This app allows to customize the wallpaper in CarPlay mode, giving your car screen...

Dec 01, 2023
TrollBox image
TrollStore Apps5 min read

A lot of small tweaks were released for TrollStore allowing you to modify some iOS system parts without the need to jailbreak. c22dev created an all-in-one app named TrollBox, which...

Nov 29, 2023
Apps Manager image
TrollStore Apps5 min read

There are many tools to back up and restore AppData for iOS devices, but there are just a few to do it directly on your iPhone or iPad. Apps Manager jailbreak tool to backup and restore...

Nov 28, 2023
BlizzardBoard image
TrollStore Apps5 min read

Most people are jailbreaking their devices to access themes. Thanks to TrollStore it's now possible for developers to deliver tools like BlizzardBoard. This app can change the look...

Aug 21, 2023
Filza File Manager image
TrollStore Apps9 min read

Filza, the ultimate File Manager for iOS devices, is a must-have for both jailbreak and non-jailbroken users. It provides a comprehensive file management experience, comparable...

Jul 07, 2023
CocoaTop image
TrollStore Apps5 min read

When you jailbreak your iPhone, it may happen that some kind of process or a tweak is draining your battery level quickly. Insisting an app like CocoaTop you can easily determine which...

May 29, 2023
Derootifier image
TrollStore Apps3 min read

While more tweaks are being adapted to support rootless jailbreaks like Fugu15 Max and Dopamine, it's important to note that this is still only a small percentage of what the jailbreak...

May 27, 2023
CAPerfHUD image
TrollStore Apps4 min read

If you are utilizing a jailbroken device or have a device compatible with TrollStore, you now have the capability to enable a highly useful performance HUD directly on your Home Screen...

May 26, 2023
Santander image
TrollStore Apps6 min read

In the jailbreak community, there's a figure known to all: Filza File Manager. This legendary tool has stood by our side since the very beginning. However, Serena has taken up the...

May 24, 2023