ONE Jailbreak Ad
Updated Oct 20, 2024

ZiniTevi Repository

To download the ZiniTevi tweak, it's essential to add the official repository into your preferred package manager such as Sileo, Cydia, Zebra, or Installer. To initiate the download process, simply click on your package manager name to add the repository and fetch all packages. Alternatively, you can copy the URL to your APT and locate the package within the repository.


Release notes

Version 1.5.0

  • Performance enhancements were implemented.
  • Trakt integration was fixed to ensure smooth functionality.
  • Additional streaming servers were added to increase options.
  • Crash issues were resolved to prevent unexpected interruptions.
  • The player load time was improved to reduce waiting times.
  • The media library includes Bollywood movies and TV shows section.
  • A search suggestion feature was added to afind desired content.
  • The player was optimized for faster streaming.
  • The UI of the player was modified to allow for greater flexibility.
  • Airplay screen mirroring was fixed to work seamlessly.
  • The app now automatically updates to the latest seasons and episodes.
  • RealDebrid service was integrated.
  • App problems on iOS 14 were resolved.
  • Subtitle translation was added in 150 languages.

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