Version History
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Version 2.1.5
- Actions: Reboot, Shutdown, Safe Mode, Rebuild Icon Cache.
- Actions: mute, power save mode, location, darkmode.
- Action: split-view-pro arc.
- Action: screenshot but only copied.
- Application action can open in split-view-pro now.
- Fix statusbar actions can not used in some devices.
- Fix Alipay actions.
- Optimization flashlight action.
- Fix: can not unlocking devices when in driving mode.
- Fix: Auto retry once when vpn toggle fails.
Version 1.3.7
- Add action: trigger CopyVault.
- Fixed some conflicts between double-click the lockscreen button and ApplePay on iOS 16.
- Adds support for the TrollStore edition of CopyLog.
- New actions for Snapper3.
- Customize the left and right bottom edge trigger width separately.
- Changed vibration feedback to sound effect in iPad.
- Added Arabic localization.
- Fix crashed when setting in TweakSettings.
- Add custom tapic feedback.
- Add Dock gestures (support floating dock too).
- New action: Play/Pause.
- New action: Previous track.
- New action: Next track.
- New action: Reachability.
- New action: Toggle rotation lock.
- New action: Trigger CopyLog.
- New action: Trigger Snapper2 history screenshots.
- New action: Open specific application.
- New action: Toggle flashlight.