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Updated May 19, 2024

ReachPlayer Repository

To download the ReachPlayer tweak, it's essential to add the official repository into your preferred package manager such as Sileo, Cydia, Zebra, or Installer. To initiate the download process, simply click on your package manager name to add the repository and fetch all packages. Alternatively, you can copy the URL to your APT and locate the package within the repository.

Version History

Packages are not hosted on our server; instead, they may be protected and forwarded to the tweak's repository description page. Download links may work for free packages.

Version 2.6

  • Added support for Dopamine

Version 2.5

  • Allows Y Offset to be changed right away and not need a respring.

Version 2.4

  • Rewrote the preferences to make it easier to find stuff.
  • Added an option to activate by shaking the device.
  • Added more background blur styles.
  • Fixed an issue with the timeout duration not working correctly.

Version 2.3

  • Rewrote the entire tweak.
  • Removed Cephei as a dependency.

Version 2.2

  • Fixed play button again.

Version 2.1

  • ReachPlayer Added support for N95.

Version 2.0

  • Added initial support for N95, you will have to wait until N95 gets updated to 2.9.

Version 1.9

  • Fixed an issue where prefs would not load.

Version 1.8

  • Switched tap gesture to double tap.

Version 1.7

  • Added Tap Status Bar To Toggle Reachability.

Version 1.6

  • Smoother artwork transitions between songs.

Version 1.5

  • Fixed a couple more issues with the duration timer and spotlight swipe down.

Version 1.4

  • Fixed repo not producing the correct version.

Version 1.3

  • Added voice-over accessibility hints.

Version 1.2

  • Fixed an issue where spotlight would activate, now you cannot invoke spotlight while Reachability is active.
  • Now colors the labels based on the artwork being light or dark.
  • Added Music Controls.

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