Version History
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Version 2.6
- Added support for Dopamine
Version 2.5
- Allows Y Offset to be changed right away and not need a respring.
Version 2.4
- Rewrote the preferences to make it easier to find stuff.
- Added an option to activate by shaking the device.
- Added more background blur styles.
- Fixed an issue with the timeout duration not working correctly.
Version 2.3
- Rewrote the entire tweak.
- Removed Cephei as a dependency.
Version 2.2
Version 2.1
- ReachPlayer Added support for N95.
Version 2.0
- Added initial support for N95, you will have to wait until N95 gets updated to 2.9.
Version 1.9
- Fixed an issue where prefs would not load.
Version 1.8
- Switched tap gesture to double tap.
Version 1.7
- Added Tap Status Bar To Toggle Reachability.
Version 1.6
- Smoother artwork transitions between songs.
Version 1.5
- Fixed a couple more issues with the duration timer and spotlight swipe down.
Version 1.4
- Fixed repo not producing the correct version.
Version 1.3
- Added voice-over accessibility hints.
Version 1.2
- Fixed an issue where spotlight would activate, now you cannot invoke spotlight while Reachability is active.
- Now colors the labels based on the artwork being light or dark.
- Added Music Controls.