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AnimationSpeed IPA: Set UI animation speed for TrollStore devices on iOS 14 – iOS 17.0

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AnimationSpeed is a tool that allows you to customize the animation speed for all apps on devices compatible with TrollStore. Typically, Apple enforces a fixed animation speed across iOS devices, offering no options for personalization. With AnimationSpeed, however, you can now fine-tune these animations.

Available at no cost, AnimationSpeed IPA for TrollStore supports iOS versions 14 through 17.0. To enhance the UI animation speed on your iOS device, the only requirement is to install it using the TrollStore IPA Installer.

This version improves the user experience by adding the English language, an icon, and brand new UI!

AnimationSpeed IPA Download: TrollStore Edition

AnimationSpeed comes as an IPA file that you can download and import into TrollStore. You can grab the latest version from our website or use the direct Install option to automatically add the app to TrollStore. Just remember, for the direct install to work, you'll need to enable the URL Scheme in TrollStore's settings.

What is AnimationSpeed?

AnimationSpeed, developed by DevelopCubeLab, is a user-friendly application designed to modify the default UI animation speed on iOS devices. Adjusting these speed settings allows you to enhance the responsiveness of your iPhone, creating a smoother and more efficient user experience.

Previously, such customization was only available to jailbroken devices (e.g. Speedy tweak), but AnimationSpeed now makes it possible to tweak animation speeds without requiring a jailbreak, offering greater accessibility to all iOS users.

Once installed through TrollStore, AnimationSpeed integrates onto your Home Screen as a standard app. Its straightforward interface allows you to easily adjust the UI animation speed by entering a custom value, giving you control over the responsiveness of your device. To apply the UI speed settings a reboot is required.

AnimationSpeed for TrollStore (iOS 17)

Additionally, the app provides an option to reset the settings to their default values with minimal effort.

Alternatively, you can explore iOSspeed, also referred to as UI Speed, a TrollStore app tailored for iOS users looking to customize animation speeds without the need for jailbreaking. This app provides a range of presets, allowing you to tune your device’s animation speed — boosting or slowing down the animation speed.

How to install AnimationSpeed IPA using TrollStore

AnimationSpeed was released as an IPA package installable only via the TrollStore IPA Installer on iPhones, exploiting iOS from 14 to 17.0 (and some betas) to modify restricted files.

How to install AnimationSpeed IPA via TrollStore

Here's how to install AnimationSpeed IPA with TrollStore:

  1. Install TrollStore on firmware between iOS 14 and iOS 17.0.
  2. Download AnimationSpeed IPA for iOS and save it on iCloud.
  3. Share the downloaded IPA file with the TrollStore app.
  4. TrollStore will automatically install AnimationSpeed when the file is loaded.
  5. You can access AnimationSpeed from the Home Screen.

Jailbreak support: AnimationSpeed Tweak

AnimationSpeed was initially released for TrollStore-compatible devices but has since expanded its availability to all jailbroken devices, starting with version 1.0. The AnimationSpeed tweak is designed for devices with ARM architecture. As for now, the tweak is not available for arm64 or arm64e devices.

AnimationSpeed Tweak for Jailbreak

Here's how to install AnimationSpeed DEB for jailbreak:

  1. Download AnimationSpeed DEB from the official source.
  2. Share the DEB file with the Sileo Package Manager.
  3. Tap on the 'Get' button to start the installation.
  4. Respring your device to complete the setup.
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Kuba has over 20 years of experience in journalism, focusing on jailbreak since 2012. He has interviewed professionals from various companies. Besides journalism, Kuba specializes in video editing and drone flying. He studied IT at university before his writing career.

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