Version History
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LastLook 4.2 Changelog
- Random Mantra as the On Lock Message.
- Powercuts support for rootless.
- New Shortcuts actions.
- Some improvements and minor changes.
LastLook 4.1 Changelog
- Add a setting to enable Low Power Mode when AOD is active.
- Add a setting for “Lower Refresh Rate” when AOD is active. The feature was already available, but now there’s a setting for it.
- Stop Media Player animated text to prevent it from interfering with lowered refresh rate.
- Add support for “White Date Text” option for those using a light background.
- Add support for Stella tweak (note: requires Stella 1.0.5 for full functionality).
- Add support for Eneko tweak.
- Add support for hiding Reo tweak.
- Improve handling when switching between different LockScreen setups.
- Fix issue where switching from AOD to off (upon reaching the configured battery level) could cause a glitch.
- Workaround a bug where displaying Spotlight over the LockScreen causes LastLook to become invisible for the next lock.
- Add a setting for “Workaround white line artifacts” for those affected by this issue (likely if you’ve changed your screen resolution).