ONE Jailbreak Ad
Updated May 24, 2024

Download Passra1n

Finalize the Passra1n setup effortlessly by initiating the file download. To finish the download process, simply click on one of the links provided below. You may find multiple options available. Once the download is finished, continue with the installation process. Remember to select the appropriate version for your operating system, whether it's for iOS, Windows, Linux, or macOS.

Selected for you

RootHide Jailbreak

Install RootHide Jailbreak with jailbreak detection bypass

How often have you encountered frustrating scenarios where attempting to launch an app or game resulted in a jailbroken environment detected message, despite not intentionally jailbreaking your device? With RootHide Jailbreak, by RootHideDev, those woes...


PurePKG package manager for iOS updated to version 1.7

Several Package Managers are available for iOS, enabling jailbreak users to install tweaks and apps sourced from diverse repositories. Notable among these are Cydia, which has fallen into disuse and obsolescence, and Sileo, a contemporary alternative that...


Bloom adds animated notifications to jailbroken devices

Notifications on iOS devices serve as handy alerts, displaying new messages, app updates, reminders, and more directly on the Lock Screen within Notification Center. With Bloom, this essential feature receives a delightful twist, introducing captivating...