ONE Jailbreak Ad
Updated Mar 13, 2024

4ukey for PC Download

Download 4ukey for PC and finalize the installation setup on your device. To finish the download process, simply click on one of the links provided below. You may find multiple options available. Once the download is finished, continue with the installation process. Remember to select the appropriate version for your operating system, whether it's for iOS, Windows, Linux, or macOS.

Selected for you


TrollFools IPA: How to Download & inject tweaks for iOS Apps

TrollStore is a powerful IPA installer for iOS allowing users to sideload permanently apps and games without any limitations. It's so far the best IPA installer available that I'm installing on my personal...

Watusi 3 for WhatsApp

Watusi 3 IPA for iOS: The all-in-one tweak for WhatsApp

Watusi 2 for WhatsApp is no longer developed, therefore you should consider upgrading the tweak to Watusi 3. The latest release of the tweak has been under active development for one year.This is probably the must-have tweak for all WhatsApp users...

Dopamine Jailbreak

Dopamine Jailbreak IPA Download & Install iOS 15.0-16.6.1

Lars Fröder has announced the rebranding of Fugu15 Max to Dopamine. This newly developed jailbreak is specifically designed to provide A12+ devices running Dopamine with the ability to utilize tweak injection...