ONE Jailbreak Ad
Updated Mar 13, 2024

4ukey for PC Download

Download 4ukey for PC and finalize the installation setup on your device. To finish the download process, simply click on one of the links provided below. You may find multiple options available. Once the download is finished, continue with the installation process. Remember to select the appropriate version for your operating system, whether it's for iOS, Windows, Linux, or macOS.

Selected for you


LiveContainer can run unsigned IPA without installing

Enthusiastic iOS users often look for ways to sideload apps from sources not approved by Apple. This has led to the creation of jailbreak tools, IPA installers, and exploits like the one used by TrollStore...


How to install Fortnite IPA on iOS with a new method

Fortnite, an amazing game, was once removed from the Apple App Store due to a dispute between Epic Games and Apple. But now, there's good news! If you're in the EU, you can install Fortnite directly from Epic's new app store. All other users can download...


AppDump3 for TrollStore decrypts apps on iOS

AppDump3 harnesses the capabilities of TrollStore 2 to decrypt iOS apps, allowing users to save them as binary or IPA files for seamless sharing with others. The decrypted apps become highly customizable, enabling users to unlock premium features or integrate...