Curate an essential desktop software collection perfect for iOS, macOS, Linux, and Windows users. Our experts review the best jailbreak tools, iPhone helpers, IPA signing tools for PC, downgrade apps, iOS recovery software, and more.
Semaphorin originated from johndoe123's iOS 7 Tethered Downgrade guide and has evolved into a solution for downgrading A7, A8, A8X, and A9 devices, including iPhone 5s, iPhone 6, iPhone 6s, and iPhone SE (2016) to versions ranging from iOS 7.0.1 to iOS 9.2.1. Please be aware...
May 22, 2024Wipera1n is a handy tool for checkm8 that lets you erase your device without having to update to the newest iOS version. This comes in handy if your device won't start up properly or if you want to do a fresh install of your current firmware without being forced to update. Wipera1n...
May 13, 2024Adding features to iOS app is possible through various tools designed to inject jailbreak tweaks into restricted apps. While options like Sideloadly offer a straightforward approach, there are also on-device alternatives such as FlekStore, or ...
Apr 08, 2024One of the leading solutions for downgrading iOS to an unsigned firmware version using blobs is futurerestore. However, the landscape has recently witnessed a surge in the availability of iOS downgrade tools, with Deleo...
Apr 03, 2024Several tools are available for analyzing iOS apps and IPA files, catering to various needs such as pen-testing, malware analysis, and security assessments. Among these tools, the...
Mar 26, 2024All modern tools designed to sign and install IPA files with your own certificate for iOS require a PC or Mac. Bullfrog Assistant is an on-device signing app allowing you to install...
Mar 18, 2024Apple maintains a rigorous policy when it comes to adding apps to their App Store, resulting in no access to tweaks, emulators, jailbreak tools...
Mar 16, 2024FutureRestore is a hacked version of idevicerestore, offering the capability to manually designate SEP and Baseband for the restoration process. This functionality enables the restoration...
Mar 02, 2024NWZSTool emerges as the evolutionary successor to Bullfrog Assistant, a widely embraced on-device IPA signing tool. Like its predecessor, NWZSTool allows users to sign and sideload IPA files...
Feb 14, 2024There are just a few tools allowing you to sign IPA files and install iOS apps directly on your iPhone or iPad. Esign is one of them, providing...
Jan 29, 2024Discover a lesser-known gem in the realm of communication apps: Botim Desktop. While Skype, Viber, WhatsApp, and Messenger hog the limelight, Botim Desktop quietly stands out. This underrated...
Jan 15, 2024How often have you unintentionally deleted important documents from your hard drive? MyRecover Pro offers a solution for this and many other scenarios, enabling the recovery of deleted...
Nov 21, 2023If you are interested in jailbreaking your device, it's always a good idea to save SHSH blobs that allow you to downgrade and upgrade iOS to an unsigned...
Oct 27, 2023When it comes to creating bootable USB drives on Windows, including for the outdated Windows XP and Windows Vista, look no further than Rufus. This versatile tool provides all the...
Oct 19, 2023Riley Testut's AltStore was a groundbreaking tool that paved the way for users to sign and install IPA files on iOS devices, following the shutdown of Cydia Impactor. As an open source...
Oct 11, 2023While there are many third-party app stores for iOS, the iOSGods App stands out by providing users with the ability to download and install popular game hacks, as well as access tweaked...
Sep 25, 2023Editors' Choice
If you're looking for a reliable way to sideload IPA files on your iOS 18 device, you may want to check out and download the Sideloadly ...
Download the latest version of i4Tools for Mac, Windows, and Linux. Install the AsTools Pro App Store on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch for free through the i4Tools Assistant and...
Cowabunga Lite is a jailed customization Toolbox designed for iOS 15 and above, compatible with all iOS devices. Access to a range of customization options for your iOS device including icon...
MagicCFG for Windows, developed by iAldaz Activator, is an innovative SysCFG Writing Utility specifically designed for PC users. This cutting-edge tool empowers you to seamlessly enter...