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Waktos tweak

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If you've ever wondered what it would be like to have an Android-inspired Lock Screen on your iPhone, Waktos Tweak is the answer. The free tweak allows you to transform your iOS 13 – iOS 15 device's Lock Screen to look like an Android one.

Add Waktos Repo to your package manager.

What is Waktos?

Waktos is an Android inspired Lock Screen tweak changing the look of time, date, and weather information on your iPhone. It officially supports iDevices running iOS 13 – iOS 14.0, however you can also install and use the tweak on iOS 15 running Palera1n and XinaA15 jailbreaks.

After installation is completed, the Waktos tweak adds a dedicated preference pane to the Settings app from where you can access all options. There is an option to toggle the tweak on and off, and configuration options for each displayed element on your device's Lock Screen.

Waktos tweak comes with two styles. The first style will appear when there is no notification on Lock Screen or notification center. The second style will appear when there is a notification on the Lock Screen or notification center, and will continue like that if you use Axon tweak. It provides a highly configurable Android-like interface that gives you the best of both worlds.

Two iPhone screens showing the Wakes tweak Lock Screen looks on iOS 15.

From the tweak's preference pane you can access customizable time and date settings. Easily define various time formats and text colors for the time widget. The same options are available for the date widget, allowing for further customization. Additionally, you have the option to add a shadow effect to both the time and date widgets, with preferred shadow color.

Waktos tweak also includes an optional weather widget for the Lock Screen, providing you with up-to-date information on the current weather conditions, temperature, and location. You have the ability to customize the text and icon color, as well as selecting between uppercase, lowercase, or capitalized text style. To make it look even better an icon is also displayed.

The Android inspired Lock Screen tweak for iOS works on all modern jailbreaks released for iOS 13.0 up to iOS 15.7.1. On top of that you can run the tweak on the latest Palera1n Jailbreak for iOS 15 – iOS 16.2 released for A9-A11 iDevices, and XinaA15 Jailbreak for iOS 15 – 15.1.1 on A12-A15.

Waktos tweak is created by Ali Maulana – the mastermind behind AIM, the popular Lock Screen tweak that brings the iOS 16 Style Lock Screen to older devices on iOS 15, iOS 14, and iOS 13. Both Waktos and AIM are free, providing a fresh look for your device without any cost.

Add Repository

Waktos tweak was released as a free package through the Havoc Repository. Add the official Waktos Repo to your list of Cydia Sources and install the tweak to personalize your Lock Screen and add Android inspired style to your device. The latest version works on iOS 13 – iOS 15.7.1.

To install Waktos tweak on your jailbroken iOS device, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Cydia app from the Home Screen.
  2. Tap on the Sources tab, then select Edit.
  3. Add the following repository URL:
  4. Cydia will automatically refresh packages available in the repo.
  5. Search for Waktos tweak and install the package.
  6. Restart the Springboard to save changes.
  7. Enable the Waktos tweak from the preference pane in the Settings app.

Alternatively, please use the quick links available at the top of this page to add the repository to your favorite package manager (Cydia, Sileo, Installer, Zebra) with just one tap.

Two iPhone screens showing the Waktos tweak preference pane in Settings app.

What's new

  • Updated Waktos to version 1.0.1.
  • Fix not showing Preferences.
  • Add weather City (current Location).
  • Add alpha blur wallpaper.
  • Added Shadow Text configuration options.
  • Change depend preferences to Cephei.
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Written by

Kuba has over 20 years of experience in journalism, focusing on jailbreak since 2012. He has interviewed professionals from various companies. Besides journalism, Kuba specializes in video editing and drone flying. He studied IT at university before his writing career.

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