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VolVibes adds haptic feedback and colors to iOS volume HUD

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The jailbreak community is always looking for ways to customize the appearance of their devices, and the volume HUD indicator is no exception. VolVibes is a popular tweak that allows users to completely transform the look of the volume indicator on iOS 13 – iOS 16. The most recent update of VolVibes tweak brings rootless support.

Add VolVibes Repo to your package manager.

What is VolVibes?

VolVibes is a free tweak that replaces the default volume HUD on jailbroken devices with a HUD that looks similar to the iOS 14 stock volume controller. This is a great tweak to bring the iOS 14 HUD to the older iOS 13 release. But there are more features and options to configure. Since version 3.1 VolVibes tweak works now with Dopamine and Palera1n rootless jailbreaks.

Ultrasound tweak is one of the most beautiful volume HUD controllers for iOS, and there are many great alternatives like VolVibes. Once installed, VolVibes tweak adds a new preference pane to the Settings app, from where you can configure all options to your liking.

VolVibes is a highly customizable tweak that allows users to transform the appearance of their volume indicator. It fully supports OLED mode and comes with four different volume HUD styles to choose from: default, mini, large, and giant. You can adjust the corner radius, width, and height values to further tailor the appearance of the volume indicator for a unique look.

Two iPhone screens showing the VolVibes tweak preference pane and modified volume HUD on iOS.

What's more, you can enable slider corner radius, define dim alpha, y offset, and dismiss timer. VolVibes tweak allows you also to hide the volume HUD from the system, remove the speaker glyph from the HUD, and define the step amount for headphones and built-in speakers.

For precise control of the volume HUD, you can activate the volume percent indicator and select a color for it. VolVibes also provides control over the HUD background color and HUD slider color, allowing you to make a unique look for your iPhone or iPad. Change HUD Color!

VolVibes is designed to work in both portrait and landscape modes, offering a range of customization options for each view. If you've played around with the settings and want to start fresh, the developer included a reset settings button on the front page of the preference pane.

The mini and large styles of the VolVibes HUD are attractive options as they are, but if you want to apply any changes to the style, you'll need to respring your device. Fortunately, the developer has included a convenient respring button in the top right corner of the tweak's preference page, making it easy to apply your customizations. However, it doesn't respring on XinaA15.

Two iPhone screens showing VolVibes HUD customisation options and a green HUD on Home Screen.

VolVibes tweak works with all modern jailbreaks running iOS 13, iOS 14, iOS 15, and iOS 16. Those include unc0ver and checkra1n installing Substitute and Substrate libraries. On top of that, the tweak supports vibrations when changing the volume for better feedback.

Originally, VolVibes was a paid package that could be purchased for $1.00. However, since version 2.8 the tweak is available for free to all users. Ethan Whited, the developer behind VolVibes, has done an excellent job creating this amazing HUD replacement for iOS devices.

Add Repository

VolVibes tweak was moved to the Havoc Repository. Add the official VolVibes Repo to your list of Cydia Sources and install the new volume HUD indicator for iOS 13 – iOS 16 with a range of customization options. To install VolVibes on your jailbroken iOS device, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Cydia app from the Home Screen.
  2. Tap on Sources, then select Edit.
  3. Tap Add and enter the Repo URL:
  4. Search for the VolVibes package in the newly added repo and tap Install.
  5. Restart the Springboard to activate the tweak.
  6. To enable and configure VolVibes, go to the preference pane in the Settings app.

Alternatively, please use the quick links available at the top of this page to add the repository to your favorite package manager (Cydia, Sileo, Installer, Zebra) with just one click.

What's new

  • Updated VolVibes to version 3.1.
  • Rootless support added.
  • Added support for iOS 15 and iOS 16.
  • Added option to color the volume percent.
  • Also added a better dismiss transition.
  • Removed delay in respring.
  • Added better transitions for OLED Mode.
  • Fixed prefs buttons not showing.
  • Fixed an issue with Reset Prefs not removing everything.
  • Added another slider to define step amount for built-in speaker vs headphones.
  • Added an option to apply a corner radius to the top slider for a more modern look.
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Kuba has over 20 years of experience in journalism, focusing on jailbreak since 2012. He has interviewed professionals from various companies. Besides journalism, Kuba specializes in video editing and drone flying. He studied IT at university before his writing career.

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