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Rootless repos with tweaks for Dopamine 2.0

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Installing jailbreak tweaks typically requires adding a repository and installing the package on your iPhone. However, the installation process differs slightly with Dopamine 2.0 for iOS 15 – iOS 16. This is because a repository must support rootless versions of tweaks that are specifically designed for rootless jailbreaks like Fugu15 or Dopamine.

XinaA15 was recently released for iOS 15 – iOS 15.1.1. Despite being a rootless jailbreak, it has the ability to run many tweaks that haven't been updated to support rootless environments. This is achieved through the use of some hacks and workarounds. In contrast, Dopamine 2.0 requires all tweaks to be updated to support rootless environments to work with this jailbreak.

In addition, tweak stores and repositories must be updated to support both rootful and rootless jailbreaks, offering access to packages for both types of jailbreaks. Also, developers must compile and modify older tweaks to make them work with the new rootless jailbreak.

In light of Fugu15, it seems likely that we will see more rootless jailbreaks in the future, rather than rootful ones. Therefore, it's a good idea to adopt this approach moving forward. Below you can find the list of all rootless repos with tweaks for Dopamine 2.0 and Fugu15 Max.

Two iPhone screens showing Fugu15 Jailbreak and rootless tweaks list.

Rootless repositories

Currently, only a limited number of repositories have been updated to support rootless tweaks. The well-known BigBoss Repository, which typically offers thousands of packages, currently provides only 16 files for rootless jailbreaks at the time of this article's publication. It's important to note that updating tweaks to support rootless functionality will take time.

1. BigBoss Repository

By default, with Dopamine, the BigBoss Repo is installed on all jailbroken devices. All rootless packages are listed in categories. Navigate with ease through all add-ons, carrier bundles, data storage, development, education, entertainment, fonts, games, messaging, multimedia, navigation, productivity, security, terminal support, themes, utilities, widgets, etc.

Rootless Repo URL:

2. Sileo Repository

Sileo is a modern APT Package Manager for iOS 15 and iOS 16 with a focus on speed and usability. It was designed to provide a real Cydia alternative for jailbroken devices. Sileo officially supports all jailbreaks and can share its sources with Cydia if you're on unc0ver or checkra1n. The rootless repository contains the latest version Sileo package manager for Dopamine.

Rootless Repo URL: or

3. Havoc Repository

Havoc is a new repository that was launched as the Packix's Successor. It offers access to some best free and paid Cydia tweaks and apps released so far for jailbroken devices. Havoc Repo is the home of packages like PortraitXI, Minotaur, Viola theme, Snapper 2, PowerModule, Boxy 4, ReProvision Reborn, and many others. Now also supports rootless tweaks.

Rootless Repo URL:

4. Chariz Repository

Chariz Repo is a great Cydia Source with applications, development libraries, system tools, themes, tweaks, and utilities for jailbroken devices. Now with rootless tweaks support. Because it's a store you can find here both, free and paid packages. The most popular tweaks released through Chariz are Aemulo, SignalReborn, Appaze, Veza, QuickActions, Dayn, Viper, etc.

Rootless Repo URL:

5. Limneos Repository

Elias Limneos is a creative iOS tweak developer that offers a lot of great system enhancements for jailbroken devices. Recently, he updates his tweaks to support rootless jailbreaks including AnsweringMachine XS, Audio Recorder, AudioRecorder XS, BioProtext XS, CallBar XS, InstaOnlineMonitor, NFCWriter XS, and VoiceChanger XS.

Rootless Repo URL:

6. TIGI Software Repository

TIGI Software Repository was updated to support rootless packages. From this source you can install Filza, Filza 64-bit and Apps Manager packages released for rootless jailbreaks.

Rootless Repo URL:

7. SparkDev Repository

SparkDev Repository is a popular source to download jailbreak tweaks. This is also the home of SnowBoard, the theming engine for iOS that now can be also installed on rootless jailbreaks.

Rootless Repo URL:

8. SOPPPra's Repository

SOPPPra Repository supports now rootless tweaks that can be installed on Fugu15 Max. From this source you can download SettingsRevamp, and a couple o Control Center modules for iOS.

Rootless Repo URL:

9. SkyPian Repository

SkyPian Repository offers access to a couple of rootless packages that adds new features to the Control Center. There is also a tweak to display minimalistic player on Lock Screen.

Rootless Repo URL:

10. Procursus Repository

Procursus Repository offers access to almost all packages required for third party tweaks. There are hundreds of libraries and utilities that are compiled for rootless jailbreaks such as Fugu15.

Rootless Repo URL:

11. PoomSmart's Repo

Poomsmart is a great source for Cydia tweaks with access to over 110 packages. Install tweaks like Emoji iOS 15.4, Adguard Unbounded, AppPad, EmojiPort, ForceInPicture, 60fps, YouPip, SMSGroupName, YouMusicPiP, PhotRes+, CC Wi-Fi and Bluetooth On or Off, and more.

Rootless Repo URL:

12. P2kDev's Repository

P2kDev's rootless Repository offers access to over 30 packages compatible with Fugu15 Jailbreak on iOS 15. There are mostly simple tweaks and bring overall improvements.

Rootless Repo URL:

13. opa334's Repository

opa334's rootless Repository for Fugu15 Max comes with a couple of tweaks developed by opa334, and libraries for tweak developers. Most of the tweaks released by the developer should be updated to support rootless jailbreaks. opa334 is the developer behind Fugu15 Max and TrollStore.

Rootless Repo URL:

14. NiceiOS Repository

NiceiOS rootless Repository offering access to tweaks such as NiceBarX, NiceCaller, and NiceLogX. All packages have been ported to support the latest release of the rootless Fugu15 jailbreak.

Rootless Repo URL:

15. Netskao's Repository

Netskao's Repo is a private source of tweaks and cracks compatible with rootless jailbreaks for iOS 15. This source contains ads removal hacks, control center tweaks, and cracks.

Rootless Repo URL:

16. Nebbs' Repository

Nebbs' repo offers a collection of free tweak and packages released by Nebbs. As for now there is Edge 2 rootless tweak available adding some color animation to iPhone screen edges.

Rootless Repo URL:

17. MiRO92 Repository

Miro92 is the developer behind uYou, the best tweak for YouTube that adds a lot of features to the app including removing Ads, enabling background playback, and the option to play videos in PiP (Picture In Picture). Now the repo also offers rootless packages for Fugu15 Max on iOS 15.

Rootless Repo URL:

18. Lizynz's Repository

Lizynz's Repository is a small private repository offering the FolderX tweak for palera1n and Fugu15.Use it to customize folders to your liking on a jailbroken device.

Rootless Repo URL:

19. Little 34306's Repository

Little 34306's Repository is a private source for rootless packages released for Fugu15 Max jailbreak. From here you can download the PreferenceLoader rootless for Fugu15 required to access most of tweak's preference panes in the Settings app.

Rootless Repo URL:

20. jjolano Repository

jjolano repo offers Shadow, a lightweight general jailbreak detection bypass tweak for rootless jailbreaks. You can download from here also few tweaks for the Low Power mode.

Rootless Repo URL:

21. ElleKit Repository

ElleKit is yet another tweak injector and tweak hooking library for iOS systems. This is the main engine responsible for bringing tweak support for Fugu15 Max jailbreak on iOS 15.

Rootless Repo URL:

22. Dcsyhi1998's Repository

Dcsyhi1998's Repo is the home of Zetsu, a multitasking tweak allowing you to run multiple apps on Home Screen. Recently the tweak was updated to support rootless jailbreaks on iOS 15.

Rootless Repo URL:

23. Alexia's Repository

Alexia's Repository was recently updated to support rootless packages compatible with Fugu15 Max. You can find here packages like FakePass, FiveIconDock, OTAEnabler, and more.

Rootless Repo URL:

24. A-lenglengyu Repository

A-lenglengyu Repository is probably the most updated source for cracked apps, and tweaks released for rootless jailbreaks. All packages available in the repository work with Fugu15.

Rootless Repo URL:

25. Julioverne Repository

Julioverne is known for his Spotify++ tweak that allows you to access premium Spotify features for free. In this repository, you can discover over 100 packages in categories like add-ons, development, multimedia, themes, tweaks, utilities, or networking. However, the rootless repository comes only with a few tweaks including Spotilife for rootless jailbreaks.

Rootless Repo URL:

26. CyPWN Repository

CyPWN is a pirated repository offering access to cracked App Store apps, jailbreak tweaks, tweaked apps, and other packages. Now it also offers access to rootless packages with tweaks and apps released for Fugu15 Max.

Rootless Repo URL:

27. NoW4U2Kid Repository

NoW4U2Kid is a private rootless repository offering access to veriaty of tweaks that are compatybile with Dopamine and Fugu15 Max jailbreaks on iOS 15 – iOS 15.4.1. Most of the the packages are tages as unofficial twekas updates.

Rootless Repo URL:

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Written by

Kuba has over 20 years of experience in journalism, focusing on jailbreak since 2012. He has interviewed professionals from various companies. Besides journalism, Kuba specializes in video editing and drone flying. He studied IT at university before his writing career.

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