Noctis12 tweak brings dark mode for iOS 12

Apple introduced for the first time the dark mode appearance with the first release of iOS 13. They didn't provide support for older devices. With jailbreak, you can also easily enable dark mode on older devices running iOS 12 by installing the free Noctis12 tweak.
Add Noctis12 repo to your package manager.
What is Noctis12?
Noctis12 is a brilliant tweak that brings dark mode for iOS 12. It requires you to jailbreak your iPhone and download the latest version of the dark mode tweak. Once enabled Noctis12 tweak for iOS 12 will display system segments and third-party apps in beautiful dark mode.
The tweak adds a dedicated preference pane to the Settings app from where you can configure all options to your liking. There is of course a toggle to enable the tweak globally, configure blur settings, triggers, patches, segments, and enable dark mode only for selected iOS 12 apps.
Noctis12 tweak supports Widgets, Notifications, Dock, 3D Touch Menus, Media Player, Alerts, Popups, and many stock and third-party applications. On top of that, the tweak can enable a true dark mode that can save battery life on devices with OLED displays.

This dark mode tweak for iOS 12 comes with a lot of configuration options. From the dedicated preference pane, you can define the blur using color profiles (such as classic, cloudy, macOS, original, light, glass, rainbow), enable adaptive tint in dark and light mode, or even use custom settings for blur like change color tint, blur alpha, saturation factor, RGB values, etc.
From Noctis12 application settings, you can also select a profile, define custom values for blur, enable webpages styling, darken the app launch screen, or hide cell separators. The enabled applications section allows you to select apps that should be forced to work in the dark mode.
What's more, the dark mode tweak for iOS 12 comes with a few patches to theme Apple Pay and Purchases UI, hide widgets overlay, ignore device alerts, disable visual effect on notification headers, restart all apps to toggle Eclipse and invert SpringBoard page dots.

Last but not least the Noctis12 dark mode enables by default the option to darken system alerts, and enable dark mode for folders, Dock, 3D Touch Menu, force dark keyboard displayed in apps, set dark notifications, widgets, and Media Player. Each option can be disabled from tweaks settings. The developer included also a Respring button to quickly apply all changes.
Noctis12 adds a dark mode to a lot of system apps including iMessage, Notes, Safari, App Store, Home app, TV app, Calendar, Music, Mail, ApplePay, ScreenTime, and many others. It supports also third-party apps such as Instagram, and Google Maps, or tweaks like BioProtect, or ColorFlow. This is my favorite tweak to turn on the dark mode on iOS 12 up to iOS 12.5.
Alternatively, you can download Eclipse Dark Mode for iOS 12. This tweak was not updated since 2019 but it still does the job of enabling dark mode on iOS 12. Eclipse Dark Mode is a great Noctis12 replacement featuring support for many popular App Store apps, website dark mode, system-wide colorization, no battery usage, and Midnight mode "true dark" for a truly black UI.
Noctis12 tweak for iOS 12 was at first a paid tweak, but the developer decided to release it for free through Packix Repository. Add the official Noctis12 Repo to your package manager and install one of the best and free dark mode tweaks for iOS 12.
- Open the Cydia app from Home Screen and tap on the Sources tab.
- Tap on Edit → Add buttons and enter Repo URL.
- Install Noctis12 dark mode from the newly added repository.
- To apply all changes respiring your iPhone.
- Configure the Noctis12 from the preference pane added to the Settings app.
Alternatively, please use the quick links available at the top of this page to add the repository to your favorite package manager (Cydia, Sileo, Installer, Zebra) with just one tap.
Enable dark mode on iOS 12
Apple didn't offer an option to enable the dark mode on iOS 12 making this feature available only for iOS 13 and newer. On jailbroken devices, it's really easy to enable dark mode on iOS 12. Follow the guide to experience a dark color scheme in apps on your older device.
Step 1. Jailbreak your device with your favorite tool.
Step 2. Add the repository to Cydia and install the Noctis12 package.
Step 3. Navigate to the Settings app and open the Noctis12 preference pane.
Step 4. Enable the Noctis12 tweak and Respring your divide to apply changes.
Now you can enjoy a true dark mode on iOS 12. Configure the tweak to your liking and enable the dark appearance in any app installed on your iPhone or iPad.
What's new
- Fixed iMessages Bug.
- Fixed text selection.
- Fixed transparent authentication views.
- Fixed expanded message notifications.
- Added CC Button in Display Module.
- Added Home app support.
- Added Notes app support.
- Added TV app support.
- Added ScreenTime support.
- Fixed App Store Offer Button not toggling text color.
- Fixed white flashes between pages in App Store.
- Fixed Messages menu bar being light.
- Fixed UIPicker in applications.
- Fixed notification extensions.
- Fixed activator action.
- Bug fixes and improvements.