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Updated May 09, 2024

Jade Repository

To download the Jade tweak, it's essential to add the official repository into your preferred package manager such as Sileo, Cydia, Zebra, or Installer. To initiate the download process, simply click on your package manager name to add the repository and fetch all packages. Alternatively, you can copy the URL to your APT and locate the package within the repository.

Version History

Packages are not hosted on our server; instead, they may be protected and forwarded to the tweak's repository description page. Download links may work for free packages.

Jade 1.0.2 Changelog

  • Fix an issue with the bottom gestures on devices with the Dynamic Island.
  • Fix landscape support for the bottom gestures.
  • Fix an issue that would cause safe mode when accessing the control center in landscape mode.
  • Added an animation when pressing the toggles in the “Power Controls” module.
  • Fix an issue with the brightness slider when the user switches from light to dark mode and vice versa.
  • Fix an issue where the device would get stuck in a respring loop if it was connected to a Mac with QuickTime enabled.
  • Fix an issue where the device would go into safe mode in cases where the user tried to screen share.
  • Fixed some issues in regards to the gesture where opening it at first and then scrolling up after opening it would not result in the same position.
  • Fixed an issue where swiping in the app switcher on the sides would trigger Jade.
  • Fix iOS 17 issues.
  • Slight iOS 16 improvements.
  • Fix theming for volume and brightness sliders when the “Static Glyphs” option is not enabled.
  • Removed dead code.
  • Made the “Portrait Offset” and “Landscape Offset” settings apply without a respring.
  • Nicer animation when scrolling to the bottom.
  • Made the “Present Expanded” only work in portrait mode.
  • Better system for the placeholder media artwork image.
  • Added handling for secondary languages for localizations.

Jade 1.0.1 Changelog

  • Fixed crashes relating to auto-brightness.
  • Fixed issues regarding the Apple TV Module.
  • Fixed some issues with expanded mode.
  • Fix issue with volume indicator sometimes not showing after Jade was opened.
  • Gray out cellular button when Airplane Mode is enabled.
  • Gray out the Personal Hotspot button when Airplane Mode is enabled.
  • Fixed crashes when media module is removed.
  • Fixed an issue with not being able to swipe the menu to close sometimes.

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