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Tweaks Updated May 09, 2024


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WhatsApp is one of the most popular messaging apps worldwide. It's hard to replay everyone reaching out when you are busy. iWhatsApp tweak automizes this process by sending auto replay messages defined globally, per received word, or per contact.

Add iWhatsApp Repo to your package manager.

What is iWhatsApp?

iWhatsApp tweak allows you to effectively set up automatic replays to incoming text messages on WhatsApp to help you manage the bevy of messages you might receive when you’re unable to respond immediately. The tweak works with all jailbreaks running iOS 12, iOS 13, and iOS 14.

To run the tweak it's required to install at least WhatsApp in version 2.20.100. Lower versions are not supported. Once installed, iWhatsApp tweak adds a preference pane to the Settings app with several options that you can configure. Toggle the tweak to start using the new features.

iWhatsApp is basically an answering machine for all WhatsApp conversations. The tweak will make sure that anyone who texts you knows that you are unable to respond and will get back to them as soon as possible. It offers a lot of options to configure automatic replays.

iWhatsApp tweak screenshot

Set different replies to selected contacts or you can use the global feature to reply to the same message in all the incoming messages. Match and reply feature is available for both of the options. Custom reply when a word matches the received WhatsApp message.

When you enable word matching WhatsApp will match the received message from all the contacts before replaying. Replay data will be used to replay. Use the :newline: to add newline and :name: to add the user name automatically by WhatsApp to the message replay.

From the tweak settings, you can CC toggle to enable/disable WhatsApp, select contacts for different replies for each of the contacts, define a custom reply when a word matches the received WhatsApp message, and disable mark received WhatsApp Messages as read.

Select a contact and add it to BlackList to prevent iWhatsApp to send auto-replies even when global settings are enabled, and set a delay before replying to a received message. iWhatsApp tweak can be toggled on or off on demand with a built-in Control Center toggle or with Activator.

The tweak is 100% compatible with other WhatsApp tweaks such as Watusi and Stalky. Officially iWhatsApp supports iOS 12 and iOS 13, but it was tested to work also on unc0ver jailbreak running on iOS 14, and it should also be fine with other jailbreaks including checkra1n.

At first, the tweak was published for $2.39, but in 2021 the developer decided to release iWhatsApp for free. Download the latest version of the WhatsApp tweak for free and give it a try. Automatic replays to messages can be a really handy feature that you didn't know you will need.


iWhatsApp tweak was published by MeBlackHat through the Tweakd Repository. Add iWhatsApp Repo to your package manager and enable WhatsApp to auto replay all the incoming WhatsApp messages with a variety of configuration options.

  1. Open Cydia Package Manager from Home Screen.
  2. Tap to the Sources tab to add the new Repo.
  3. Tap Sources → Edit → Add the Repo URL.
  4. Cydia will automatically refresh packages available in the repo.
  5. Search for iWhatsApp tweak and tap to install the package.
  6. Restart the Springboard when prompted to save all changes.
  7. Configure the tweak from the newly added preference pane

Alternatively, we included quick links at the top of this page to add the repository to your favorite package manager (Cydia, Sileo, Installer, Zebra) with just one tap.

What's new

  • iWhatsApp 0.7.6 was released as a free tweak!
  • Crushed a bug where iWhatsApp was replying to Group chat when you receive multiple messages.
  • Performance Improvement.
  • Added option to reply to muted chats.
  • Now you can use newline: in reply data which will be replaced with a blank line automatically.
  • Now you can use name: in reply data which will be replaced with the user's name to whom iWhatsApp will reply.
  • Added new icon for setting for easy Visibility.
  • Fixed Activator action not getting visible in settings.

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