Updated Apr 10, 2024

iGameGod Repository

To download the iGameGod tweak, it's essential to add the official repository into your preferred package manager such as Sileo, Cydia, Zebra, or Installer. To initiate the download process, simply click on your package manager name to add the repository and fetch all packages. Alternatively, you can copy the URL to your APT and locate the package within the repository.

Release notes

iGameGod 0.4.3 Changelog

  • The changelog for this version was not released.

iGameGod Changelog

  • iGameGod now supports rootless jailbreaks! iGameGod Rootless has been added to the iOSGods repo. All features except for iGSpoof are working.
  • iGameGod's .deb installer has been updated to support rootful to rootless conversion and installation. More information here.
  • Live Offset Patcher has been updated with additional switches and improvements.
  • This iGameGod update will clear out all saved values in iGameGod to fix the issue with some users being unable to inject in certain scenarios.
  • Various other minor bug fixes and improvements.

iGameGod 0.4.1 Changelog

  • Added a new feature decrypt binary only using bfdecrypt.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented iGameGod from working on unc0ver & iOS 13 jailbreaks.
  • Temporary disabled iGSpoof on rootless jailbreaks as it is currently not supported.
  • Disabled the decryption options that did not work on rootless.
  • Various other minor bug fixes and improvements.

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