Gradi tweak adds YouTube Music inspired player to iOS

The native iOS' Now Playing widget was not changed for a long time and the design can be boring. This is not the case when you will jailbreak your device and install a tweak like Gradi. It will add the inspired by YouTube Music / Google Music Player to iOS.
Add Gradi Repo to your package manager.
What is Gradi tweak?
Gradi is a jailbreak tweak that brings the YouTube Music / Google Music inspired Player to iOS. Ginsu creates some simple but very useful tweaks for jailbroken devices and Gradi is no exception. It replaces the default look of iOS' Now Playing widget on the Lock Screen.
Once installed, the Gradi tweak adds a dedicated preference pane to the Settings app from where you can configure all options to your liking. There is of course a toggle to enable the tweak globally and the Behavior pane with all available customization options.
Gradi tweaks widget takes much of its color inspiration from the album artwork. It also adds a subtle motion blur transitions the left side of the widget with the media controls into the album artwork. There is also an option to enable an active music progress bar.

All popular music streaming apps are supported by Gradi tweaks including Apple Music, Spotify, Pandora, YouTubeMusic, and a plethora of others. From the Behavior pane, you can adjust the widget's size and corner radius, select a new font, or even change the timeline height.
What’s more, the Gradi widget uses less space on your Lock Screen than iOS' native widget does, offering more space for incoming notification banners and other useful information that the user might prefer to see. All modern jailbreaks running iOS 14 are supported.
On top of that, the widget can also display a music progress bar with the audio length and current progress. When you press on the bar it will adjust the timeline to the selected position.

Gradi tweak was released as a free package through the private Ginsu Tweaks Repository. Add the official Gradi Repo to the list of your Cydia Sources and install the latest version of the tweak enabling the YouTube Music inspired player on iOS 14. Older iOS releases are not supported.
- Tap on the Cydia app icon from the Home Screen.
- Switch to the Sources tab and tap Edit → Add.
- Add the repository URL.
- Cydia will automatically refresh the packages available in the repo.
- Search for Gradi tweak and install the package.
- Restart the Springboard to complete the installation.
- Access Gradi tweaks preferences from the Settings app.
Alternatively, please use the quick links available below to add the repository to your favorite package manager (Cydia, Sileo, Installer, Zebra) with just one tap.
Source Code
Gradi tweak is a Swift/SwiftUI media player for jailbroken iOS devices. Ginsu, the jailbreak tweak developer, released the Gradi as an open source project with code published through the GitHub Repository. The source code was mostly written in Swift language.
The tweak is still under active development and the latest changes to the code were added on 5 Aug 2022. Feel free to clone and modify the project. This is a great source to learn how to create your own tweaks for the iOS Lock Screen. To build the project use theos libraries.
What's new
- Fixed some visual issues when the size was set to the minimum (70.0).
- Added an option to hide the now playing information at the top of the media player.
- Added the ability to choose custom icon themes.
- Fixes an issue that would cause the left padding to be really large when the corner radius was set to a higher value.
- Improvements to the code.
- Multiple improvements to the timeline bar.
- Added an option to adjust the height of the timeline bar.
- Improved the way song data is retrieved.
- Rewrote in Swift + SwiftUI.
- Added a few new options to the settings page.