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While the name Def1nit3lyN0tAJa1lbr3akTool may give the impression of a counterfeit jailbreak utility, it is, in fact, a legitimate creation. Developed by KpwnZ as a recreational project, this tool provides a functional jailbreak solution for arm64 devices running iOS versions 15.7 through 16.6. The realization of this achievement owes gratitude to KFD, kfund, Dopamine, and the supportive jailbreak community.

Download Def1nit3lyN0tAJa1lbr3akTool

Def1nit3lyN0tAJa1lbr3akTool was released as an IPA package that can be downloaded and imported into TrollStore 2. Alternatively, use the direct Install to download the app automatically with TrollStore. This feature requires you to enable the URL Scheme from TrollStore Settings.

What is Def1nit3lyN0tAJa1lbr3akTool

Def1nit3lyN0tAJa1lbr3akTool is a jailbreak utility built upon the KFD exploit, extending compatibility to arm64 devices operating on iOS 15.7 through iOS 16.6. Initially conceived for amusement and intended to remain unreleased is now shared with the community. The jailbreak is now compatible with TrollStore and it should be used as the default installation method.

Once sideloaded through TrollStore, Def1nit3lyN0tAJa1lbr3akTool seamlessly integrates an icon onto the Home Screen. This icon serves as the portal for launching the jailbreak and initiating the exploit. The jailbreak app interface is intentionally minimalistic, featuring only text and a singular start button, devoid of any additional configuration options.

Throughout the development phase, multiple versions have been unveiled to the public, each accompanied by a comprehensive changelog. Notable additions in the updates encompass the ability to re-jailbreak without erasing the existing jailbreak environment, added compatibility with TrollStore, and the integration of dynamic kernel patchfinder and dynamic dyld patchfinder.

Def1nit3lyN0tAJa1lbr3akTool app interface screenshot.

Def1nit3lyN0tAJa1lbr3akTool was introduced to the public as an open-source project, distributed under the GPL-3.0 license. All the jailbreak files including the application itself are accessible for download directly from the project's GitHub Repository.

Meowbrek2 and NekoJB represent robust alternatives in the realm of on-device jailbreak tools tailored for arm64 devices. Specifically designed to cater to iOS versions 15 through 15.8, these tools provide users with a comprehensive platform to liberate their devices and unlock the potential for customization by installing tweaks, themes, third-party apps.

Meowbrek2, known for its reliability, offers a user-friendly experience for those seeking to venture into the realm of jailbreaking. Its intuitive interface guides users through the process, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free jailbreak. The tool opens up possibilities for users to tweak and personalize their iOS devices, enhancing the overall user experience.

NekoJB, on the other hand, stands out with its feature-rich capabilities. Beyond the basic jailbreaking functionality, NekoJB introduces an array of advanced features, providing users with more control over their devices. The tool's compatibility with iOS 15.8 ensures that users with the latest firmware can also benefit from the advantages of jailbreaking.

Supported devices

All A9 – A11 systems on a chip (SoC) are supported by meow. Below, you can find the actual list of compatible meowbrek2 Jailbreak iPhones. The jailbreak was tested to run and work without issues on iOS 16 running on iPhone X, iPhone 8, and iPad 6.

for iOS 15.7 – 16.6 / 16.6 Beta 1

  • A9 – iPhone 6S, iPhone 6S Plus, iPhone SE.
  • A10 – iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus.
  • A11 – iPhone 8, iPhone 8 Plus, and iPhone X.

How to install Def1nit3lyN0tAJa1lbr3akTool

Def1nit3lyN0tAJa1lbr3akTool can be installed on your device through the TrollStore or TrollStore 2 IPA installers. When using other tools like Sideloadly, AltStore, and Esign the application may be broken. Using TrollStore is the recommended method to install the jailbreak.

Step 1. Install TrollStore on iOS following how to install TrollStore 2 guide.

Step 2. Download Def1nit3lyN0tAJa1lbr3akTool from the link at the top of this page.

Step 3. Open TrollStore 2 from your Home Screen.

Step 4. Import Def1nit3lyN0tAJa1lbr3akTool to TrollStore 2.

Step 5. Proceed with the installation process.

Step 6. Open the Settings app and enter the Privacy & Security.

Step 7. In the Security section follow Developer Mode.

Step 8. Enable Developer Mode and restart your device.

Step 9. Connect your iPhone to a PC or Mac and Turn On Developer Mode.

Step 10. Open Def1nit3lyN0tAJa1lbr3akTool from the Home Screen.

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Written by

Kuba has over 20 years of experience in journalism, focusing on jailbreak since 2012. He has interviewed professionals from various companies. Besides journalism, Kuba specializes in video editing and drone flying. He studied IT at university before his writing career.

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