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Charging animation on your iPhone is very predictable and boring but with a jailbreak tweak, you can add many new animations playing when plugging in and charging your device. ChargeAnimations tweak makes it possible to use new beautiful animations.

Add ChargeAnimations Repo to your package manager.

What is ChargeAnimations?

ChargeAnimations is a jailbreak tweak that adds new amazing animations when plugging in your device. This is a paid tweak available for $2.00, but the developer provided a 3-day free trial that allows you to test the app before purchasing. It works with jailbreak running iOS 11 up to iOS 14.

Once installed, ChargeAnimations tweak adds a new dedicated preference pane to the Setting app from where you can configure all available options. Of course, you can turn on the tweak, enable lock to animation, sleep after animation, hide stock battery, and set it always on (loop).

There is also an option to change the background color for played animations and enable the tweak animations on Springboard. ChargeAnimations allows you also to set active animation.

ChargeAnimations screenshot

Each animation offers a few customization features like an option to change particle color, background color, foreground color, stroke width, and set the desired playback speed. When modifying the animation all changes are applied on the go and you can view them immediately.

What's more, if you are familiar with After Effect you can create your own style of charging animations and submit them to the developer. If you like the tweak give it a try, especially when it works with the latest version of unc0ver and checkra1n!

ChargeAnimations Settings


ChargeAnimations tweak is available from the c1d3r Repository. Add the ChargeAnimations Cydia Repo and install the tweak. This jailbreak tweak for iOS 11 and up is available for $2.

  1. Open the Cydia app and tap on the Sources.
  2. Next tap on Edit → Add the Repo URL.
  3. Install the ChargeAnimations package from the new repo.
  4. Cydia will ask you to respring the device to save settings.
  5. Configure ChargeAnimations from the preference pane.

Alternatively, please use the quick links available at the top of this page to add the repository to your favorite package managers (Cydia, Zebra, Sileo, Installer) with just one click.


By default, ChargeAnimations tweak comes with 11 built-in animations including Apple Flower, Blob, Bubbles, Edge X, Edge, Hoops, JitterBolt, Miui, TechBeat, WatchOS, and iOS.

Edge X and Edge play similar animations but you should choose one depending on your iPhone model. Apple Flower and Miui animation doesn't offer any option to configure.

Apple Flower and Miui

Apple Flower and Miui

Bubbles and Blob

Bubbles and Blob

JitterBolt and WatchOS

JitterBolt and WatchOS

Edge and Hoops

Edge and Hoops

iOS and TechBeat

iOS and TechBeat

What's new

  • Bugfixes release
  • Included new charging animations
  • Added support for iOS 14
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Written by

Kuba has over 20 years of experience in journalism, focusing on jailbreak since 2012. He has interviewed professionals from various companies. Besides journalism, Kuba specializes in video editing and drone flying. He studied IT at university before his writing career.

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