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Tweaks Updated May 09, 2024

Color your badges with Tinge tweak

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Enhancing the appearance of your Home Screen offers various avenues for customization. While one straightforward method involves altering app icons using tools like Snowboard, another aspect worth exploring is the customization of badges situated in the top-right corner of icons. These badges typically display recent messages, upcoming events, and more. Tinge is a convenient tweak that automatically adjusts badge colors to complement the icon's hues, thereby enhancing visual coherence.

Tinge Tweak Repository

Tinge tweak was released as a DEB package that can be purchased directly from the Havoc Store at $0.99. To quickly access the badge colorizer tweak, you can add the official Tinge Repo to your preferred package manager and install it on iOS 15 – 16.7.5. Notably versatile, the Tinge tweak supports rootless jailbreak environments like Dopamine and Palera1n.

What is Tinge?

Tinge is a new jailbreak tweak bridging the divide between ColorBadges and the latest jailbreaks operating on iOS 15 and iOS 16. Its primary objective is to dynamically adjust the default badge colors based on the hues of respective icons, ushering in a seamless and harmonious visual experience. To dynamically replace the standard red badge color with a more visually appealing option, consider utilizing the Tinge tweak. Dopamine 2.0 jailbreak is also supported.

Upon installation, Tinge seamlessly integrates into the badge system, autonomously altering colors on a per-app basis based on the dominant color in the App. Currently, there are no configuration options available; everything operates smoothly right out of the box.

Tinge distinguishes itself from other badge coloring tweaks by ensuring that the badge text complements the badge color. In instances where the badge color is excessively bright, Tinge adjusts the text to black instead of the standard white, thereby enhancing legibility.

Tinge tweak running on the Home Screen and in App Library.

Tinge tweak for iOS 15 and newer enriches your badge aesthetics by deriving colors from the dominant hue of each app. However, for folders, Tinge adopts the color of the app with the highest notification count within the folder, ensuring consistent vibrancy. This functionality seamlessly extends to the App Library as well. p2kdev has reassured users that forthcoming updates will introduce options to disable the border color feature.

The concept of colorizing badges on jailbroken devices isn't novel. While p2kdev drew inspiration from the ColorBadges tweak, there exist alternative solutions as well.

Among them, Dotto+ stands out as a personal favorite, enhancing the appearance of iOS notification badges by adjusting colors to match those of the corresponding icons and subtly altering the badge design. There are also Misaka tweaks such as ColorBoard or Bajji.

How to add Tinge Repo to Sileo

Tinge tweak is available for purchase and download from the Havoc Repository. When you add the official Tinge Repo to your package manager you will be able to find, purchase, and install the tweak on iOS 16, including the Dopamine 2.0 environment.

To install Tinge on an iOS device with Sileo, follow the steps:

  1. Open the Sileo app from the Home Screen.
  2. Tap on the Sources tab, then select the Edit button.
  3. Add the following repository URL:
  4. Sileo will automatically refresh all new packages.
  5. Search for Tinge and install the package from the new repository.
  6. Restart the Springboard to apply changes.
  7. There are no configuration options available.

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