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Tweaks Updated Apr 12, 2024

ADKeyboard tweak brings colors to keyboard on iOS 15 and iOS 16

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By default, the system keyboard on iOS offers only two color modes - one for Dark mode and the other for Light mode. However, if you have a jailbroken device, you can enhance your typing experience by adding adaptive colors using a free tweak like ADKeyboard. This tweak is available for the rootless Dopamine jailbreak on iOS 15 to iOS 16. ADKeyboard supports also Palera1n Jailbreak running on iOS Legacy iDevices.

ADKeyboard Tweak Repository

ADKeyboard was released as a free package available for download from the private dcsyhi1998 Repository. The most recent version 1.3 of ADKeyboard supports rootless jailbreaks and can officially run on iOS 15 – iOS 15.8.2. However, this release has been verified to function seamlessly on iOS 16 as well. Add the official ADKeyboard Repository to Sileo.

What is ADKeyboard?

ADKeyboard is a free jailbreak tweak that was developed for a rootless environment. It allows you to automatically change the color of the keyboard in your favorite apps. Unlike other keyboard tweaks, ADKeyboard doesn't let you change the color freely. Instead, it automatically adapts to the color scheme of the currently opened app icon on iOS 15 and iOS 16.

This means that the keyboard color will seamlessly blend with the app's design, giving you a more immersive typing experience. Overall, ADKeyboard is a must-have tweak for those who want to take their jailbroken iOS 15 – iOS 15.8.2 device to the next level.

After installing the ADKeyboard tweak, a dedicated preference pane is added to your Settings app. From this pane, you can enable the tweak globally and access support links. However, there are no other customization options available. Once the tweak is enabled, there's no need to respring your device to apply the adaptive color feature to the system keyboard.

Two iPhone screen shooing colorised keyboard on iOS 15.

ADKeyboard tweak supports both Dark and Light mode appearances. However, it's worth noting that the Light mode appearance doesn't look as good as the adaptive keyboard when the Dark mode appearance is active. While the Light mode appearance still works well, the keyboard colors may not blend as seamlessly with the app's design compared to the adaptive mode.

Despite this, having the option to switch between Light and Dark mode appearances is still a valuable feature of ADKeyboard, giving users greater control over their typing experience. For even more control over your keyboard look you can use Laetus tweak with support for iOS 13 – iOS 15, as well as rootless jailbreaks such as XinaA15, Dopamine, Palera1n, and Fugu15.

What's new

  • Added custom color selection.
  • Improved theming in Light appearance.

How to install ADKeyboard on iOS

ADKeyboard tweak was released as a free package that can be downloaded and installed on your jailbroken device through the private dcsyhi repository. Add ADKeyboard Repo to your package manager and enable adaptive color keyboard on iOS 15. Dcsyhi released ADKeyboard package dedicated to rootless jailbreaks such as Dopamine or Fugu15 Max for iOS 15.

To install ADKeyboard tweak on your iOS device using Sileo, follow the steps:

  1. Open the Sileo app from the Home Screen.
  2. Tap on the Sources tab, then select Edit.
  3. Add the following repository URL:
  4. Search for ADKeyboard tweak and install the tweak.
  5. Restart the Springboard when required to complete the installation.
  6. Tweak preferences are available via the Settings app.

Sileo app showing ADKeyboard Repo and installed files.

For added convenience, you can quickly add the repository to your preferred package managers (Cydia, Sileo, Installer, Zebra) by using the convenient quick links provided at the top of this page. With just one click, you can easily add the repo and download ADKeyboard tweak.

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