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Research19 Apr

How to install Mobile Verification Toolkit (MVT)

Mobile Verification Toolkit (MVT) serves as a valuable tool for streamlining the consensual forensic analysis of iOS devices, enabling the identification of compromise indicators. This innovative toolkit, by the Amnesty International Security Lab, emerged...

IPA Files17 Apr


GBA, GBA, N64, SNES, DS, GEN emulation for iOS.
Delta image

Modern mobile devices are packed with powerful processors and graphic chips that can easily handle classic video games from popular video...

Research17 Apr


capture and modify requests.
mitmproxy image

mitmproxy, developed by the Mitmproxy Project, is a powerful and interactive intercepting proxy that supports SSL/TLS and provides a console interface for...

IPA Files17 Apr


audio recorder for TrollStore.
TrollRecorder image

TrollRecorder stands as the best audio recording solution for TrollStore. Originally conceived as an open-source endeavor, its fundamental capabilities remain...

Tweaks16 Apr

Dynamic Stage

Stage Manager for iPhone.
Dynamic Stage image

Multitasking on the iPhone has often been limited, but with a tweak like Dynamic Stage, you can effortlessly run two apps simultaneously on your mobile screen...

IPA Files16 Apr


on-device IPA signing tool.
GBox image

If you jailbreak your iOS device, you won't have to worry about app revokes or signing IPA files. However, if you prefer a non-jailbroken environment, you...

Tweaks16 Apr


SplitView/SlideOver for all apps.
SplitViewEverywhere image

SplitView and SlideOver are multitasking features introduced in iPadOS. With the newly released jailbreak tweak, SplitViewEverywhere, you can now enable these...

Tweaks16 Apr


kill all apps tweak.
KillBackground13 image

Frequent usage of your iPhone often leads to numerous apps running in the background, which can drain your battery life. However, by jailbreaking your device...

Tweaks15 Apr


Spotify player for Lock Screen.
Juin image

Litten originally introduced the Juin tweak, enabling users of jailbroken devices to enjoy a Spotify-like player directly on their Lock Screen. Initially tailored...

Tweaks15 Apr


animated notifications.
Bloom image

Notifications on iOS devices serve as handy alerts, displaying new messages, app updates, reminders, and more directly on the Lock Screen within Notification...

IPA Files15 Apr


Spotify free alternative.
Spotube image

Spotify stands out as one of the premier music platforms for mobile devices, boasting immense popularity among users worldwide. While it offers a free service...

Research15 Apr


checkm8 dualboot for iOS.
Dualra1n image

Dualra1n, a pioneering project initiated two years ago, aims to provide a viable solution for dual-booting iOS firmware (semi-tethered) specifically tailored...

Research15 Apr

Jailbreak iOS 17

how to jailbreak iOS 17.
Jailbreak iOS 17 image

iOS 17 marks the latest milestone in Apple's mobile operating system, specifically designed for mobile devices. Launched on September 18, 2023, this release...